TNA’s Ranking System: Current Poll Results & Leaders

As of this writing, the following are the current poll results of TNA’s contender ranking system, which you can participate in by heading over to

Name Votes Share
Jeff Jarrett 1,882 votes 1%
The Pope 3,498 votes 1%
Sting 3,965 votes 1%
Abyss 1,383 votes 1%
Mr. Anderson 19,054 votes 5%
AJ Styles 2,284 votes 1%
Hernandez 2,005 votes 1%
Rhino 3,492 votes 1%
Matt Morgan 139,315 votes 34%
Brother Ray 1,647 votes 1%
Brother Devon 5,231 votes 1%
Jeff Hardy 13,480 votes 3%
Rob Terry 7,699 votes 2%
Kurt Angle 3,063 votes 1%
Desmond Wolfe 207,514 votes 50%



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