Ring of Honor Results (5/8): NYC’s “Supercard of Honor V”

*ROH Tag Team champions The Kings of Wrestling defeated The Motor City Machineguns by DQ. The Machineguns got a huge reaction and lots of streamers. They did some great back and forth stuff but way too much to cover. There were some anti-TNA chants early. Sabin hit a tope through the ropes onto Hero. Shelley nailed a Ryder Kick off the top rope. The Kings took over, working on Shelley for some time. Claudio pressed and dropped him for a two count. Claudio held him up for a suplex then dropped him back on his feet in time for Hero to nail an elbowsmash to the back of his head. Sabin finally made the hot tag. He rana’d Hero and then hit a vaulting leap to the floor. Sabin nailed a tornado DDT off the ropes for a near fall. The fans chanted, "This is awesome." The Guns killed Hero with double team moves but Claudio broke up the pin. Shelley drilled him with a superkick and went for sliced bread #2 but Claudio turned it into the Ricola Bomb. Before he could hit it, Sabin drilled him. Hero took out Sabin. Shelly sent Hero into the buckles. Claudio nailed Shelley with a kick. The crowd chanted for ROH. Claudio nailed the Ricola bomb for a two count, then the airplane spin slam for another. Hero took out Shelley on the floor. They did the flying swing into a Hero dropkick for a two count. Sabin surprised Hero with a small package for a two. Shelley missed a flying knee drop and was drilled with an elbow for a two by Hero. Shelley and Hero went back and forth until Hero smashed Shelley for another two count. The Guns took control killing the Heroes. They drilled Hero with synchronized kicks for a close near fall. Sara del Rey argued with the ref. Hero put on the loaded elbowpad but before he could use it the Briscoes hit the ring and brawled with the Heroes. DQ city. They nailed del Rey with the Jay-Driller. Great match that hopefully won’t be overshadowed by the finish. My guess is it was politically easier to do the DQ. The crowd hated the finish live, booing it and chanting "F*** the Briscoes."

*ROH champion Tyler Black pinned Roderick Strong. They started out slow. Crowd was with Strong early. Black caught him with a dropkick and began working on the shoulder and arm. Strong dropkicker Black’s legs out from under him when he was on the apron. Outside, Black came back to throw Strong into the railing. Strong picked up Black in a backbreaker and threw him at the apron. Ouch. Strong brought him back into the ring and continued the assault using backbreaker variations. Black fired back with a punch but Strong snapped off a dropkick. Strong pulled Black outside and suplexed him off the apron to the floor. Strong hit a back suplex onto Black while they were outside on the apron. Tyler made a comeback with a neckbreaker and a kick to the chest. He nailed a standing shooting star press for a two count. Tyler tossed Strong over the top and hit a tope con hilo. Strong came back with a reverse suplex. He nailed several clotheslines and a sit down bomb for a two count. Black came back with a running forearm smash and tied Strong to the tree of woe. He hit a double stomp off the ropes. Strong came back with a Boston Crab. Black nailed a fisherman’s buster with a cradle for a two count. Strong came back with a massive leg lariat for a two count. The ref was accidentally caught with a Black superkick. Strong nailed the Gibson Driver for a two count. Strong grabbed a second ref. Black nailed a powerbomb into the corner..sandwiching the second ref then a superkick for a two count. Strong nailed an over the knee backbreaker. A third ref was then bumped out. The original ref began to rise as they battled back and forth. Strong nailed another backbreaker for a two count. Black caught a charging Strong with a superkick. Strong came back with the Gibson Driver but it was only a two count. Strong was pissed about the count. He pulled Black to the ropes but Black fought him off. Black superplexed Strong and scored the pin. They brawled after and Strong promised this wasn’t the end for him.

Notes: The show looked to be a legitimate sellout…Davey Richards missed the show as he was touring for New Japan…Last night was the final event in the Manassas, Virginia market as they just weren’t drawing enough to keep returning….They will return to the Manhattan Center on 9/11.