Off-Air Notes From This Week’s WWE SmackDown! Taping

Credit: Geoff Clark &

The arena is filled up quickly. The area above the hard cameras were tarpped off. An attendant on my section said that they actually "oversold" tickets and had to remove a closed off section. Strange as I would say that the coliseum was about 70-80% full. There was a large Hispanic population here. Rey masks were everywhere. I would say based on merchandise, Rey is most popular followed by Cena.

The Event started with a Wrestlemania video. The crowd was pretty hot. During the video the order of pops were Orton, Rey, Cena, and HBK for the biggest pop.

Savannah welcomed everyone. Crowd is really hot.

Dark Match: Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer vs. Jason & John (crowd popped during last names after Savannah billed them from Charleston, SC).

A big "Charleston" chant broke out at the start of the match. Vance and Curt dominated early. Vance hit am awesome inverted Black Hole Slam for a big pop. The crowd was behind the enhancement guys but they never really got any offense in. Match ends at 6 minutes after a reverse DDT from Archer followed by a HBK like elbow by Hawkins.

That’s about it for off-air notes.


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