TNA Lockdown Fan Report: Off-Air Notes, Waltman & More

Thanks to Dan Phelps for sending this in:

The crowd was hot when Christy and Jeremy came out.  They gave the usual talk about how they need us to be loud as they come on.

There was no dark matches, but there was an interview with Angelina Love.  She talked about how she thought that Tara and her would be able to coexist.

We were told before hand that Doug Williams was stripped of the title because he was not able to get over from Europe due to the volcano. The X division title was not there.

We were not told about Sean Waltman not being there, so when Nash mentioned he wasn’t letting Hall come out on his own we didn’t know what he was talking about.

The crowd was mediocre through the first portion of the PPV.  Jeremy came out before the The Team 3D and Band match and said they would give the fans that were loudest backstage passes.  After that the crowd was pretty hot.

The spots off the cage were amazing live.

The crowd was back and forth for Pope vs. A.J.  The Pope was booed surprisingly heavily during the match.

Don’t know if this was on PPV but Angle said that he was taking time off, but would come back looking for the title.

The rules were not very clear for the Anderson and Angle match.

They did not have the video screen showing the action in the ring.

This also made what happened at the end of the main event confusing.

Dixie was signing autographs and taking pictures before the PPV.

They announced Bobby Heenan, Baron Von Raschke, and Dory Funk JR.

Top Pops

  • Angle
  • Flair
  • Hogan

Top Heat

  • Mr. Anderson was the only one that got true heat.
  • The rest of the heels had a mixture of boos and cheers (as did a majority of the faces).

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