WWE Raw Results – April 12th, 2010

Batista vs Randy Orton

Before the match begins there is a video showing their Europe Invasion

Orton is first out and receives an excellent reception! A fan is shown with a sign that says they also hear the voices. Batista is next out, following his usual entrance, although now it is to a lot of heat. The match starts with them staring eachother down. Lock up goes to Batista as he forces Orton into the corner. The ref breaks it up. Again they lock up and again Batista forces him into the corner. A thhird lockup turns into Orton applying a headlock. Headlock goes into a drop toe takedown. Lock up. Headlock. Orton now with a series of strikes! Batista drops to the ground and rolls out of the ring. He then runs back in and gets caught up in randy’s backbreaker! This leads to a series of measured foot stomps. Orton off the rope now but Batista moves out of the way just as Randy’s knee drops! Batista grabs Orton and throws him shoulder first into the turnbuckle.


 We are brought back to see Orton on the ground, slowly getting him, and Batista knocking him back down! Batista now drags him towards the apron and lands a couple of elbows to Orton’s throat! Batista now kicking Orton in the head, turning Orton over onto his stomach. Now dragging him to the center and pinning for a two count! Batista contuing the assault by applying a tight sleeper hold. Orton however working his way out. SOlid uppercut! Orton goes off the ropes, hits Batista back. Batista however stays upright and comes back to knock Orton down.

Batista outside the ring now, taking apart the announce table! He pulls Orton outside and goes to slam Orton’s head into it, but Orton throws in a quick jab and escapes. They get back in the ring and Batista hits two huge boots to the head before getting only a two count again! Batista measuring Orton up for a spear now. Orton gets up and throws a foot to the stomach just in time! Orton spins Batista into the corner, should fisrt! Orton and Batista exchanging blows! Orton starts to win out, until Batista lands a kick to the mid section. Batista setting up a power slam but it’s countered. Orton throws Batista off the rope and hits a scoop slam!

Orton explodes! Orton measures up a boot! Batista gets away just in time and rolls outside of the ring. Orton follows andBatista rakes his eyes. Orton climbs in the ring, Batista follows half way. Orton hits a kick to the stomach and drops his DDT from the second rope! Orton sizing up the RKO now. Countered off the ropes into a SpineBuster! Batista stomping the ring now. Batista goes to pick up Orton, and is struck by the RKO! Viper strikes! He rolls over Batista and in enters Swagger! He breaks up the match, causes a DQ, and pounds on Orton.

Winner: Orton (DQ)

Cena runs out and wraps Batista in a STF!!! Referees come out to the and try to pull Cena off, but they are unable to! Batista is tapping out! Cena throws the referees back and explodes in the center of the ring. We are drawn to a close with Cena counting up to 10, implying that Batista would have lost a Last Man Standing Match.

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