TNA Destination X Results – March 21, 2010

After the match, Morgan hits Hernandez with the carbon footprint, and he holds up both belts, leaving the ring and walking to the back with both.

Kurt Angle vs. Mr Anderson

Singles Match

After a short video package, highlighting their history mostly revolving around Angle’s ‘warrior medal’, Mr. Anderson makes his way out to the ring for his match with Kurt Angle. Angle is out next, making his way before Anderson gets the chance to call down the mic and introduce himself.

Angle and Anderson lock up and Angle locks in a headlock, taking Anderson down to the mat and keeping it locked in. Anderson is able to fight out of it, pushing Angle into the ropes to break it up. Another lock up, another headlock takeover. Anderson fights out again, but this time he eats a shoulder block, and Angle is right back to the side headlock. Anderson pushes Angle back into the corner and breaks the hold again. Angle tells Anderson to have a free shot at a head lock, and Anderson obliges, but Angle throws him right off. Angle offers him his neck again, for another headlock. Anderson goes for it again, and Kurt fights it right off yet again. Angle gives him a third shot at it, but this time, Anderson cheap shots him with a kick to the stomach. Anderson locks in the headlock, but Angle fights right out of it with a suplex.

Angle stomps on Anderson in the corner, before sending him across the ring, and hitting a back body drop. Angle goes for the pin, but he can only get two. Angle puts Anderson in the corner and he climbs up, delivering a series of ten right hands. Angle kicks Anderson, and he takes him over with a big snap suplex. Angle sends Anderson into the corner, but when he charges, he eats a boot from Anderson. Anderson grabs Angle’s arm, and yanks it over the top rope, stretching it out. Anderson hits a single arm DDT, continuing to work over Angle’s shoulder. Anderson stomps away at Angle, returning the favor from earlier in the match. Anderson is able to take Angle down with a shoulderblock, but Angle kicks out of a pin attempt. Anderson locks in a keylock, working on Angle’s wrist and arm, before simply slamming Angle’s arm down to the mat. Anderson sends Angle shoulder first into the ring post, and he tries for a quick roll up, but Angle kicks out at two. Anderson locks in an arm bar, but Angle fights out of it with a series of right hands, and a big lariat, but he hits the lariat with his injured arm, hurting himself in the process.

Angle hits a series of clotheslines with his good arm, and even after a big boot from Anderson, he’s able to connect with a belly to belly suplex on Angle. Another clothesline from Angle and this one is good for a near fall. Angle tries for the Angle slam, but Anderson counters and hits the standing Green Bay plunge, but it’s only good for a two count. Anderson tries for the mic check, but Angle fights out of it, ducks a clothesline and hits a trio of German suplexes despite Anderson’s attempts to fight it off. Angle pulls down the straps and he hits the Angle slam, but it’s only good for a two count. Angle locks in the ankle lock, but Anderson is able to flip out of it, and almost sends Angle into the ref. Angle blocks himself, but he catches a low blow from Anderson, and then a mic check. Anderson goes for the pin, but he only gets two. Anderson looks furious. Anderson backs Angle back into the corner and sits him on the top turnbuckle, but when he goes up top Angle is able to fight him off and send him down to the mat. Angle hits a big frog splash, but it’s only good for a two count. Angle tries for another Angle slam, but Anderson counters with an arm drag. Anderson ducks a clothesline from Angle, and Kurt connects with the ref. Anderson connects with an Angle slam of his own, but the ref is down.

Anderson looks around the ringside area for a chair, ordering a fan to get up and give him one. Anderson decides against it, tossing the chair out of the ring and grabbing Angle’s medal instead. Anderson wraps the chain around his fist, but Angle ducks the punch, and connects with a German suplex instead. Kurt picks up the medal himself, using it to carve into Anderson’s head. Anderson is already a bloody mess, and Angle goes to work with a series of right hands, just pounding away on Anderson. Anderson tries to climb out of the ring, but Angle brings him back in with the ankle lock. Angle grapevines the leg, and Anderson is forced to tap out.

Winner: Kurt Angle

Anderson calls down the mic after the match. Anderson says people are fake. He says Angle isn’t an American hero, and he probably isn’t even really a gold medalist. He’s most certainly not a real American. Anderson says he tries to have a straight up match, and Angle had to resort to cheap tactics to get the victory, and now everyone thinks Angle will go home and rest easy. Anderson and Angle both know that the only thing Angle will do tonight is lay in bed with his eyes open staring at the ceiling, and the word Anderson will continue to go through his head. Anderson repeats his names several times with an extreme close up on his face, and he and Angle stare each other down.

AJ Styles (c) vs. Abyss

TNA Championship Match

We get a video package that showcases the events leading up to this match, also spending quite a bit of time focusing on both Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Christy Hemme is backstage with the Champion. AJ says his strategy will be the same tonight, as it was before Flair was in the wheelchair, win at all costs, and that is exactly what Styles is there to do. Styles says he’ll also teach Abyss a lesson, and that’s not to try and break 61 year old men’s backs. AJ says he will beat Abyss, period. And at the end of the night, he’ll be the one with the World Title, styling and profiling.

JB is backstage with Abyss. Abyss says of course AJ is confident, he’s the World Champion, and he has what’s left of Ric Flair on his side. He may have Flair, but Abyss has the power of Hogan and all the Hulkamaniacs running through his body. Abyss says Ric Flair practically begged him to put him in the wheelchair. So after all this build, they’re here, facing off for the World title, and when Abyss is done, there won’t be anything left of AJ. Abyss asks what AJ’s gonna do when blah blah blah wild AND crazy on you? Abyss is out to the ring first, to lots of love from the Impact Zone, and some kind of weird hybrid of his song, and Hogan’s American Made theme.

Styles is out second, still to a fairly nice reaction. It’s interesting to note neither man has their ‘mentor’ out with them.I guess I spoke too soon as Wolfe’s valet wheels Flair out about 3/4 of the way down the entrance ramp. JB is out to do formal ring introductions for both men, and then this one will be ready to go. Abyss doesn’t let JB finish, as he jumps AJ before JB can finish the introductions. Abyss pounds on AJ for a bit, before sending him headfirst into one turnbuckle, then another. AJ ducks a couple of clotheslines, but he runs right into the brick wall that is Abyss. Styles tries for a couple of chops, but it doesn’t have much affect, as Abyss shoulder blocks AJ out onto the entrance ramp. Abyss follows out and hits a big right hand to AJ’s head, and he looks toward Flair, but doesn’t do anything. Abyss continues to work on AJ, and jaw with Flair. Abyss tries for a chokeslam on AJ, but AJ fights it off, hitting a big enzugiri, and hanging Abyss up in the ropes, using them to choke him. Styles charges Abyss, who’s still hung up in the ropes, but Abyss counters with an awesome belly to belly suplex.

AJ hits a dropkick to Abyss’ shin, and takes him down to the mat, trying to keep him grounded. Abyss rolls out to the apron, and AJ hits another low dropkick, sending him down to the floor. AJ follows out with a huge tope, and Flair is loving it. Styles grabs a chair, and he props it up in the corner between the top and middle turnbuckles, and while the ref tries to pull it out, AJ uses the opportunity to choke Abyss against the rope, the ref doesn’t get a chance to get the chair out before he breaks it up. AJ tries for a body slam, but Abyss fights it off immediately. AJ fights out of a gorilla press, and hits a beautiful dropkick to take Abyss down. AJ chops away at Abyss in the corner, but Abyss begins to fire back with a series of right hands. Styles is able to fight back and get Abyss into the corner, where he wraps Abyss’ leg up in the ropes and wrenches away. Styles tries to go back to work, but Abyss fights back, dazing Styles. Styles is able to come back with a chop and a punch. Styles goes to the apron and he tries for the springboard forearm, but he gets caught in chokeslam position. AJ fights out of it, but he walks into a back body drop. Abyss follows it up with a splash in the corner and a big sidewalk slam. Abyss goes for the pin but he only gets two. Abyss tries for the shock treatment, but AJ fights out of it and answers back with a pele.

AJ connects with a springboard forearm, but it’s only good for a near fall. Styles tries for the Styles clash, but Abyss catapults Styles into the chair that was set up earlier. Abyss connects with the shock treatment, and he goes for the cover, but Styles is able to kick out at two. Abyss puts AJ on the top turnbuckle, and he goes up too, but Styles is able to fight him off, biting at Abyss’ head and knocking him back to the mat. Styles hits a corkscrew press, and he goes for the pin, but Abyss kicks out. Abyss is up, and AJ turns around, right into a black hole slam. Abyss goes for the pin, but AJ kicks out at two. Chelsea rolls Flair up to the ring, and he grabs the ref, spraying something in his eyes. Flair tosses the belt in the ring to Styles and AJ uses it to blast Abyss. Hogan’s music hits, and he’s on his way to the ring with Earl Hebner. Hogan says he wants Flair out of here, and he orders Chelsea to the back. Hogan grabs Flair, and begins wheeling him toward the back.

AJ hits a springboard 450, but Abyss is able to kick out of the pin attempt, and he starts to Hulk up. AJ tries to fights Abyss off, but it just pumps him up even more. Abyss even does the who ‘YOU’ thing, before he fights back, hitting a big boot, and a huge chokeslam that sends AJ through the middle of the ring. Hebner calls for the bell, and it looks like this one is going to be thrown out.

Hulk Hogan grabs the TNA World Championship and he gives it to Abyss, but Hebner grabs it away. Flair is being rolled back down to the ring and he’s livid. Flair flops into the ring, and Abyss picks him up. Chelsea has the spray, but Hogan grabs it, using it to spray in Flair’s face. Desmond Wolfe is down to help things out, but he eats a couple of rights from Hogan and Abyss before being maced, and tripping over Flair and down into the hole left from Abyss’ chokeslam. Flair then falls down the whole, and Hogan and Abyss pose while Abyss’ weird hybrid music plays.

No Contest

Hogan and Abyss pose in the ring to end the show.