TNA Impact Results – March 8, 2010

In Ring Segment: Kevin Nash/Eric Young

Nash says after a month of sneaking in, he got Waltman and Hall a one-time contract from Hogan. The contract is for a match at Destination X between them and the team of Nash and Young. Nash and Young continue to wait in the ring through the commercial for The Band to arrive. They finally see Waltman and Hall posing in the crowd, and security surrounds Nash and EY in the ring. Waltman and Hall are in the ring, and Hall calls Nash a sellout and Hogan’s stooge. He says Hogan isn’t running things and he wants to get involved with TNA now that it’s cool. He tells Nash that if they win, they want big contracts. Bischoff is watching and says if they do in fact beat Nash and EY, they will get contracts. But, if they lose, they will leave TNA for good. They agree to the match and Waltman slaps EY in the face and they brawl. Security separates them and Bischoff is back on the screen. He tells them he is sick of keeping them out of the building, and makes an impromptu match between Eric Young and Sean Waltman

Eric Young vs Sean Waltman

This one quickly turns into a fight as both men are throwing punches before EY misses a scoop slam and gets hit with a spin kick. Waltman goes for a bronco buster and misses it, and walks into a piledriver by EY for the 3 count.

Winner: Eric Young

We go to the back and see a US Army Hummer pull up in the back. Soldiers get out and head inside as we go to a break. When they come back the soldier are lining the ramp as Kurt Angle’s music hits. Angle gets in the ring and addresses Ken Anderson. Angle says he brought a few of his close friends and that these are the people who sacrifice for their country. Loud "USA" chant here. He says these men and women are the ones who will die for their country, and the same people who Mr. Anderson spit on two weeks ago. He says if there is one thing you don’t do is mess with an American soldier, and at Destination X, he is going to kick Mr. Anderson’s ass. Anderson interrupts and rips into Kurt and the soldiers. Angle left the ring and finds Anderson. He blasts him with a punch and brings Anderson ringside. Angle goes to attack Anderson, but Anderson hits him with the medal and tries to leave. The US soldiers cut him off and send him into the ring with Angle. Angle sends him back outside and the soldiers pound away at him before putting him back in the ring for an Angle Slam. Kurt grabs a US flag and holds it proudly. The soldiers then get in the ring and hoist him up on their shoulders as they celebrate into the commercial break.