Detailed Fan Report From Bischoff’s Debut Taping of MCW

Thanks to R. Taylor for sending this in:

Just came home from the Pilot taping of Eric’s new pet project, "Micro Championship Wrestling" which was taped at the Impact Zone. Here’s a couple things that went down;

– There were a few paid plants in the audience. Apparently there was an actor from Bay Watch that they sat at ringside.

– WWE/WCW Legend Patrick "Pat" Tanaka was the "guest" referee for the entire show.

– Eric Bischoff was in attendance, did the introduction (not taped, at least to my knowledge) through out the night, his facial expressions on the on goings were hilarious as he didn’t seem too pleased. Nasty Boy Knobbs was also in attendance and I have a sneaking feeling that MCW was partially his idea because seemed overly excited more so than Bischoff was.

– The product itself was VERY poorly produced, and fans were pouring out in flocks as the night continued forward. This especially started even more so after one of the wrestlers that went by the name "Meatball" did the Stinkface to "Huggy Cub" (Yes, Huggy Cub). Apparently Meatball doesn’t know what underwear is.

– It should be noted that as the reports stated, everything TNA related was either covered in black or taken down. We actually got to see the structure for the Lethal Lockdown cages as we entered.

– There were maybe 8 wrestlers total, 2 of them being female — the females had a match as well…that included "Socker Boppers"… was that bad.

– The president "Johnny G" if I remember his name correctly, pulled in multiple duties that included; announcer, play-by-play, hypeman, and the bell. (Yes, he literally said "ding, ding, ding") He also screwed up a couple of times.

1) Where he tells Tanaka that both female wrestlers were DQed for hair pulling..but yet neither one of them took off their socker boppers for the entire match.

2) He also majorly fucked up at the very end of the match when all 8 wrestlers (male/female) were called for a battle royal…There were three wrestlers left in the match, and he walked in after wrestler "Demo" pinned "Justice", and he announced Demo as the new Champion, forgetting that the other wrestler (who was standing in the ring) was still a part of the match. Me and my buddies got a "you fucked up" chant going at that point. They also had to re-shoot this part of the match and the wrestlers were visibly unhappy with doing so. They had already went to the back and had to be called to the front 3 different times for the re-shoot. During the reshoot they looked tired, bored and just not happy with having to redo it.

3) Also, Demo, which appears to be their masked highflyer..had to redo a top rope spot..looked like a twisting senton because of the screw up from early. The 2nd time he took a nasty bump it looked like because he stayed on the mat for a while, even after the cameras were off.

Lastly, and I think this is the part I found the funniest…knowing how copyright happy Vince is, I can see two potential problems for the MCW. 1. Their logo is strangely similar to that of ECW’s and 2. When Demo was crowned the new World Champion after the aformentioned Battle Royal, he was given an actual toy replica of the World Heavyweight Championship belt!

I attached the pictures that I took towards the end of the show as the officials there were pretty strict about having cameras and cellphones out during the taping.


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