WWE Elimination Chamber Results – February 21, 2010

SmackDown Elimination Chamber:
-Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. R-Truth

Mysterio comes out first. He enters his pod. Morrison is out next. Michael Cole mentions his leg injury on commentary. Morrison enters his pod. Chris Jericho comes out next. Undertaker’s music hits. He actually runs to the ring in a hurry. He’s the final man to start the match in a pod. CM Punk comes out with The Straight Edge Society. He does his normal thing on the mic. Out comes R-Truth rapping to cut-off Punk. R-Truth and CM Punk start things off. R-Truth slams Punk into one of the pods. He does a flip spot off the top onto Punk on the steel grid outside the ring. Punk hits the GTS on R-Truth for the pin. R-Truth is eliminated before any of the pods are opened. Punk is back on the mic. He tells Undertaker he better pray his pod door opens last. He said when you come out, he’s going to make you tap out just like before. He tells Morrison his rock star life will get him nowhere. He’s going to prove to the world that straight-edge means I’m better than you.

The countdown hits and Mysterio is let loose. Mysterio and Punk duke it out. Mysterio tries going on top of a pod for a high-risk move but Punk stops him. Punk goes for the GTS off the top but Mysterio crotches him on the top instead. Mysterio hits the huracanrana off the top onto the grid iron floor. Mysterio pins CM Punk. CM Punk is eliminated. The countdown hits and Chris Jericho is let loose. Mysterio begins his attack on Jericho. Jericho quickly takes over with a big clothesline. Mysterio launches himself off the ropes but misses Jericho. Mysterio lands on the cage of the Elimination Chamber structure like Spiderman. Jericho pulls his legs out from him and Mysterio crashes below on the grid iron. He screams in pain. Weird sounding scream. Jericho locks in the Walls Of Jericho and the countdown clock begins. Still holding onto the Walls, we see Morrison let out of his pod. Jericho lets go of the hold and Morrison begins his attack. Morrison hits Starship Pain on Mysterio for the pin. Rey Mysterio is eliminated. Morrison and Jericho are left in the ring now, with Undertaker still in his pod. Morrison goes to work on Jericho. Jericho reverses a leg hold into the Walls of Jericho on Morrison.

The countdown clocks begins. Taker is pounding the pod as the clock ticks away. They let him out and Jericho lets go of the Walls. Undertaker goes to town on Jericho with rights and lefts. Taker goes for a double chokeslam on Jericho and Morrison but they reverse it into a double suplex on him. Jericho and Morrison double clothesline Taker over the top. Jericho goes for a kick to Morrison but Morrison moves and rolls Jericho up. Jericho kicks out at two. They continue to battle while Taker recovers. Jericho slams Morrison on the grid outside the ring. Jericho slaps Taker in the face. Taker looks pissed and chases Jericho back. Jericho runs into an empty pod and tries holding the door shut so Taker can’t get in. Taker pulls the door off completely and attacks Jericho in the pod. Taker returns to the ring to continue his assault on John Morrison. Taker runs into a huge spinkick from Morrison. Morrison sells his leg big time as the announcers address his leg injury. Morrison gets up for Starship Pain on Taker. Taker gets the knees up as Morrison was coming down. Taker is slammed through one of the pods and it shatters into pieces. Morrison returns to the ring and tries a pin on Jericho. He kicks out at two. Taker chokeslams Morrison on the grid outside the ring. He pulls Morrison back in, crosses his arms over his chest and gets the three count. John Morrison is eliminated. It’s down to Jericho and Taker now.

Taker takes the straps down and stares down Jericho. Undertaker blasting Jericho with rights and lefts in the corner. Jericho moves as Taker runs in and things are going his way now. Jericho takes Taker to the top rope. Jericho hits a superplex off the top. Taker goes for a chokeslam on Jericho but he rolls through for a Walls Of Jericho. Taker reverses that into a triangle choke. Jericho reverses that back into the Walls Of Jericho. He’s screaming for Taker to tap out. Taker is stuck in the hold forever but eventually reverses it back into the triangle choke. Jericho manuevers his way out of the hold. Jericho rolls out of the ring for a breather. Taker sits up in the ring, Dead-Man style. He picks Jericho up for a Tombstone but Jericho reverses it into a Codebreaker. Jericho slowly crawls over for a pin. Taker kicks out at two. Taker hits the Last Ride on Jericho and crumbles to the canvas. He slowly gets up and we hear a comotion. Shawn Michaels has entered the Chamber through the crowd. He hits Sweet Chin Music on Taker. He stands over him and stares. Jericho pins him while HBK still stands over Taker staring. Jericho wins the World Heavyweight title.

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho

After The Match:

Jericho takes his title and looks like surprised but happy. HBK is still in the ring standing in the same position, staring down at Undertaker with that look on his face. The credits roll with a close-up on HBK staring down.

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