WWE Raw Results – February 15th, 2010

Jerry Springer Reveals Superstar Relationship Details

Jerry Springer makes his way out to the ring. He thanks everyone and says that this segment is to reveal some of their most intimate relationship details.  First up?  Kelly Kelly.  Kelly comes out and Jerry asks her why he hasn’t seen her wrestle lately.  She says that she has a confession.  She’s pregnant.  Jerry asks who the "baby’s daddy" is and she says she’s not sure because she’s been in a lot of relationships.  She says she thinks she may know and he asks who.  Santino Marella’s music hits.  Santino comes out and says that it’s true, he is the father.  Recently, at a local bar, a couple of drinks and things went too far.  Springer says that’s not exactly true.  Kelly then explains that when Santino went to sleep, she needed someone to finish the job.  Michael Cole then stands up and says that it was supposed to be their secret and calls her a hussie.  Jerry Lawler then says that she’s not talking about Cole, it was him.  Lawler gets in the ring and Springer makes a personal joke about Kelly being too old for him. 

The Bella Twins then come out and Nikki calls Bri a man.  The two of them wrestle around into they get broken up.  Apparently, Nikki says she saw someone else go into Kelly’s room.  Chris Masters comes out.  Eve follows him out and is pissed off because of the situation.  She asks where Kelly gets off messing around with her man.  Kelly says that he isn’t her man now.  They push each other around.  Chris says that Eve wasn’t getting the job done.  Eve then reveals that she was cheating on Chris too…with Great Khali.  Khali comes out, hugs Eve and picks her up.  Security keeps Masters off of him as the crowd changes "Jerry, Jerry".   Santino finally calms everyone down and says he wants to know who the father is.  Jerry then says that he has the results of the paternity test.  Santino asks how he can have that since it was only three days ago.  He says it’s because he’s Jerry Springer.  He then asks how to pronounce the name of the real father.  Santino surprisingly says "Hornswoggle".  He comes out and hugs Kelly.  Jerry then talks about all of this being crazier than his own show with the leprechauns, giants, men with big pecs.  Jerry starts leaving. 

Jerry Lawler then gets on the mic and tells Springer that this was all a prank.  However, there is one intimate relationship that they actually do want to reveal and it’s Jerry’s himself.  They know that he likes his women "young", as in Mae Young.  Mae Young then comes out with hugs and kisses for Springer.

We then cut to the back parking lot as we wait for Batista to show up.



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