TNA “Against All Odds” PPV Results – February 14, 2010

8-Card Stud Match:

(No Disqualification)

-Abyss vs. Mick Foley

Both guys go at it early. "Use the bat" chant from the crowd. Abyss picks up the bat but puts it down instead. He’s telling Foley he can’t do it. Foley slaps him in the face, basically daring him to use it. Foley continues to bitch-slap Abyss around the ring. Now he’s going at him with punches. Abyss finally starts firing back. Abyss knocks Foley out of the ring. Foley slams Abyss across the guard rail. He grabs a steel chair and blasts Abyss in the back with it. Double bang-bang from Foley as he throws Abyss back in the ring. "Use the bat" chant again erupts from the Impact Zone. Foley slams Abyss on the ringside steps. He grabs Abyss by the face and screams at him to use the bat. He throws Abyss back in the ring. Foley picks up the bat but Abyss hits him with a big boot to the face as he was coming in. Foley puts out a sack of thumbtacks and empties it on the ring mat. Abyss catches Foley and goes for a chokeslam over the tacks but changes his mind. He moves away from the tacks and chokeslams Foley regularly. Abyss has a small sock and is setting it up for Mr. Socko. "Use the sock" chant from the crowd. Foley counters and hits a double-arm DDT on Abyss. Foley goes for Mr. Socko but Abyss has it. Foley pulls the ref down, takes his shoe off and then takes his sock off. We have dueling Mr. Sockos from both guys now. Foley’s wins over. Abyss fades down now. The ref is checking his arm. Foley goes for the bat. He turns around and Abyss nails a Blackhole Slam on Foley onto the tacks. He looks sad that he did it but pins Foley to end the match and advance in the tourney. Abyss continues to look apologetic.

Winner: Abyss

8-Card Stud Update:

It will be D’Angelo Dinero vs. Matt Morgan and Mr. Anderson vs. Abyss in the semi-finals.

Christy Hemme Interviews The Nasty Boys

Nasty Boys talk about how they know why they’re here. He says their good friend Hulk Hogan asked them to show all the tag-teams in TNA what’s up. The Nasty Boys say it starts tonight with Team 3D.

TNA Against All Odds results continued on page five …