TNA Maximum Impact Results (1/30): Wembley Arena

Doug Williams retained the X-Divison Title in an Ultimate X match

(also including Amazing Red, Suicide, Chris Sabin & Daniels)

– Doug wasn’t booed once to my recollection. In fact all five guys got cheers, even though Daniels looked like he didn’t want them. Shame Shelley’s injured but Sabin took part in a lot of big spots so that made up for it. He and Red took a scary spill from the ring but I don’t think either was hurt. Suicide won my friend over because he’s actually pretty good if you look past the initial sillyness of the gimmick. Doug did a suicide dive and hung in there with everyone so anyone questioning his status as an X-Division wrestler I think he’ll prove you wrong. Chaos Theory is a sickeningly good move.

– Suicide and Daniels did almost all the cable work while Red & Sabin did the springboard and diving spots. Worked pretty well. At one point Daniels was climbing the cable and Suicide springboarded up and grabbed onto the same cable in front of him which made everyone laugh. He ended up hitting an ace crusher/cutter from the cables on Daniels. The two found themselves on top of the metal structure at the end and everyone was holding their breath as Suicide got him up for a suplex and turned him all the way around before sitting him back down. His life was in Suicide’s hands there. Daniels went for Angels Wings but ended up taking a body slam on the metal. Ouch.

– Doug then climbed up and took the belt as Suicide reached down to try and stop him but ended up falling. Daniels stayed up top for a pretty long time and looked like he almost fell as he was climbing down. Phenomenal match and I applaud the hell out of them for doing it without a TV or PPV audience. Easily the match of the night and got the most cheers.

JB brought Dixie Carter to the ring and she thanked us all whilst a cameraman got some footage of her and the crowd. Some idiots near me were actually flipping her off for some reason. She then introduced AJ Styles and told him he’d defend the title tonight and told Hebner to leave after his actions last time. She brought Angle out and he got an insanely big pop.