TNA House Show Results (1/29): Manchester, England

AJ had the figure four on Hernandez at one point.

The crowd hated ladder bait and switch.

AJ and Daniels worked together at first, but that did not last.

The ladder business was bizarre. They even had the hook down and raised it when AJ said so. Decent tornado match, and the crowd got into it, but Disappointed at no ladders.

Dixie Carter came out after the break to the ring.

Her Twitter friend Jane was with her who was the first to tweet Cross The Line. She then put over the fans some more and asked us to enjoy the rest of the show. She may have had her son with her.

A twenty minute time limit is announced for the match between Kurt Angle and Desmond Wolfe.

Desmond heels the north of England big time. He wished he was in London. Got nuclear heat by saying Chelsea would win the league.

Kurt Angle defeats Desmond Wolfe

Good 15 min match does with Angle reversing the Tower of London into an Angle Slam for the pinfall victory.

A big Chelsea Rent Boy chant broke out during the match and Desmond’s reactions were excellent. Match started slow with Desmond working over the arm and the last half saw some good exchanges. Good house show match…they did enough to get the match over. Angle paraded with the Union flag afterwards to a big ovation.

Sarita and Taylor Wilde def. Beautiful People with Guest Referee Hamada. Velvet hit Hamada, who headbutted her back and counted the pin.

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