WWE Raw Results – January 25th, 2010

We see Legacy in the back and Rhodes is thanking him for taking Shawn Michaels’ superkick and just as DiBiase is going to say something to him, Orton comes in and talks about the tension the three of them have had over the past few months.  He asks where they were when Sheamus was attacking him last week.  He tells them to accept the fact that at the Rumble, it’s every man for himself.  He then says he will win the title from Sheamus, with or without them.

We then cut to John Cena with guest host, Dule Hill.  Cena says that people are talking about the season premiere of Psych on Wednesday featuring John Cena.  He then asks where James Roday is and Hill says he had an operation and couldn’t make it.  Cena then tells Hill to make tonight’s Raw his night.  He leaves and Miz comes in and says that he can’t believe Psych wanted Cena over him.  He then talks about having to google Hill’s name just to see who he was and before he could get too much out, Hill tells him that he has set up a match for Miz tonight (he sings "Tonight" a couple of times) against an opponent of his choice.  He calls Miz a "joker" and walks out.


Maryse comes out ready for her match tonight and takes a mic.  She says that the other divas with their little Championship dreams are wasting their time.  She then starts talking French and an explosion takes place at the entrance ramp.  It was apparently Dule Hill who was playing with buttons up there.  He says he’s sorry, but Maryse doesn’t accept his apology.  Eve’s music hits and she comes out for the match.

Maryse vs Eve Torres
Semi-Finals of Diva Championship Tournament

The winner of this match goes up against the winner of Gail Kim and Alicia Fox.  The bell sounds and we’re underway.  Eve starts off with some punches and kicks in the corner and then a dropkick.  Cover but a two count.  She continues her offense with a front flip onto Maryse.  Cover again, but only two.  She hits a clothesline and then a bodyslam.  She goes to the top rope and tries a moonsault, but Maryse moves.  She sets up for a DDT, but Eve counters into a pin, but another nearfall.  Eve tries for an irish whip, but Maryse holds on to the top rope and then kicks Eve in the stomach.  French Kiss DDT and that’s it. 

Winner: Maryse

We cut to the back and Vince McMahon is on his way to the ring and his announcement regarding Bret Hart is next.



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