(Spoilers) Full TNA Impact Taping Results From Monday Night

Thanks to JP Nichols & PWInsider:

Before the tapings started, the Impact Zone crowd was addressed by members of the TNA staff. They talked to the crowd about not cursing, making obscene gestures, or gang signs. They called the crowd ‘cast members’ and basically told the crowd that they needed to be quiet.

Hernandez and Matt Morgan defeated The British Invasion to retain the TNA Tag Titles. During the match, Rob Terry came out and had his X Division Title shot briefcase. Brutus tried to use the briefcase on Hernandez during the match, but he missed and hit Doug Williams instead. Hernandez pinned Williams.

After the match, Mick Foley came out and he hit Rob Terry with a chair. After Hernandez and Morgan left the ring, Foley said something to the camera that could not be heard by the crowd.

After pyro goes off, Ric Flair comes to the ring with two women. Flair says that he hates Hulk Hogan, but he loves TNA. Flair says that he is here to find the next ‘Nature Boy’. Flair then brings out the ‘next heavyweight champion’ A.J. Styles. Styles comes to the ring in a suit and he is accompanied by a woman. Styles puts over the beautiful women in the ring and then the crowd chants ‘You are married’. This causes Styles to laugh and there was an awkward pause. A.J. cuts a promo that utilized a style similar to his new mentor.

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