TNA Errors Last Night: Tara’s Butt-Crack, Cussing, Hogan

Joshua Elliot sent along the following:

I don’t know if anyone noticed or not, but TNA had a few production mistakes last night on Impact. The most notable one was when Mike Tenay announced that thanks to Dixie Carter and Spike TV that they will be staying with this main event until it’s conclusion, and a few seconds afterwards they cut to a commercial.

Also, during the ODB vs. Tara match for the Knockouts title, while ODB was pinning Tara, she pulled down her pants a little bit showing her crack. TNA tried to switch camera views, but instead switched to a still frame of the Steel Asylum for a short second or two before returning to the match and the pinfall was already over and ODB had won the match.

There were two more mistakes. Hogan is viewed for almost a full hour riding in his limo to the impact zone for his “FIRST TIME EVER”. When Hogan was in the ring, he stated that “He has been in the back all night long talking to the guys backstage.” I thought that was a funny mess up.

Lastly, I think it was when Bischoff was backstage talking, the Crowd was chanting a curse word. TNA production kept attempting to bleep out the curse word. While doing so, they were also cutting out on Bischoff talking. So every 2 seconds, EVERYTHING was bleeped out, including what ever Bischoff was talking about, which took away from that segment. There were actual a couple moments during the show where cussword chants in the crowd effecting the audio in a negative fashion.

Just thought I would pass this along.


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