TNA Post-Impact Presser Recap: More Surprises, WWE

TNA Wrestling held a post-show press conference after their three-hour live Impact special on Spike TV this past Monday night, January 4th.

Featured during the presser were Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Desmond Wolfe, ODB, Homicide, Matt Morgan & Hernandez, D’Angelo Dinero and Don West.

Carter mentioned that TNA was the number one trending topic in the world on Twitter tonight, as well as the most-searched for item on the official ESPN website.

Dixie also promised more big surprises for TNA in the future.

She talked about how the show will be considered a success. She says ratings won’t determine that and that Spike TV would be thrilled if they maintained their usual Impact rating. She says they have always been competing with Vince McMahon and WWE but tonight they offered a choice for the first time. She said her goal is to make pro wrestling cool again.

All the wrestlers appeared at the podium in character, talking up their current TNA storylines.


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