Several Wrestlers React To The Passing of Dr. Death

Several WWE and TNA stars have reacted to the passing of Dr. Death Steve Williams with Tweets on their official Twitter accounts:

Kevin Nash: "My condolences go out to Dr. Death (Steve Williams) family and friends. We lost a great one today!"

Jeremy Borash: "RIP Steve Williams. A man who fought cancer as tough as anyone and a real inspiration. Gonna be an Oklahoma Stampede in heaven."

Howard Finkel: "R.I.P. Steve "Dr. Death" Williams. He was one tough cookie, and a hell of a nice guy as well…"

D’Angelo Dinero: "Just when Popes about to tweet on a "dream," er he’s hit with reality of Doc’s death. Will touch on both later.- PHS"

Taz: "We lost a GREAT MAN. Steve "Dr Death" Williams…RIP."

Christopher Daniels: "RIP Dr. Death! Calling you a legend isn’t enough. I’m glad we got a chance to work together. You will be missed!"


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