Detailed WWE Raw House Show Results (12/26): Albany, NY



Match 8: HHH Vs. Big Show (No DQ, No Count out)

Huge pop for HHH and Huge heat for Show. Starts off with HHH using his quickness to avoid shots from Show. Eventually Show goes for a clothesline and HHH pulls down the top rope to have Show topple over onto the floor. Some good whips into the barriers. At one point HHH was leaned up against a barrier by where I was sitting and Show was pounding on him. A kid ran up and started to yell at Show, and Show leaned towards the kid and gave him a yell. Pretty funny stuff. Some typical hardcore stuff. Trash can gets used on both wrestlers. Show nails HHH with a steel chair. The end comes when HHH gains the upper hand and goes to use the chair on Show but thinks twice and goes under the ring to grab his trademarked sledgehammer. Show gets nailed in the face with the sledgehammer. HHH gets the pin.

Winner: HHH

Main Event: John Cena Vs. Shamus (WWE Championship match)

Shamus cuts a promo before hand saying how he is going to be the greatest Champion of all time and after he beats Cena tonight that will prove it. Cena comes out and Roof pops off the place. The match basically was let Shamus look like he somewhat belongs to hold the championship but not let Cena look like he’s anything less then Superman. Shemus dominates the first half. Allot of spots outside the ring ending with Shamus throwing Cena into the steps. The 10 count starts. Cena looked like he was knocked out for 9.5 counts but somehow makes it back in when the count hits 9.99. Then you all know how a Cena match goes from there, all typical Cena moves. The end comes when Cena goes for the Attitude adjustment and Shamus counters with a Low Blow in front of the Ref. The Ref instantly calls for the bell.

Winner: John Cena by DQ (Sheamus still WWE Champion)

After the match Cena hits the Attitude adjustment on Sheamus. Sheamus rolls out of the ring and disappears. Cena grabs the championship belt and the mic. He talks sarcastically how Sheamus is a fighting champion. He then says take your pictures now and be ahead of the game because Monday Night he has another rematch and he will get the to say again "The Champ is Here"

Overall the Show ran 3 hours and has a decent house show I would give it 3 out of 5 stars

Biggest Pops

1. John Cena by a mile

2. HHH

3. Kofi Kingston

4. MVP

5. Evan Bourne

Biggest Heat

1. Big Show

2. Randy Orton

3. Sheamus

4. The Miz

5. Legacy