Jim Cornette’s Contract With Wrestling Fans: A Must Read

On the heels of Jim Cornette’s debut with Ring of Honor Wrestling, the former WWE and TNA employee has issued a "contract with wrestling fans," outlining his mission statement, so to speak, in working for ROH. Below is an excerpt from what I think is a must-read piece, and you can read it in its entirety by clicking here.

"Over the past few years I have attended numerous fanfests and wrestling events, and spoken to hundreds, if not thousands, of true wrestling fans. In the nine months my website, jimcornette.com, has been up and running, I have received literally thousands of emails from fans around the world. The overwhelming majority has said the same thing in a variety of ways – they want their pro wrestling back. They are sick of the sports entertainment. They are tired of the sport they love being treated as a Saturday Night Live sketch. They are embarrassed to admit to their friends or family that they watch wrestling nowadays, or worse yet, they have quit watching wrestling altogether. They are confused and frustrated by the way bright young wrestling stars are passed over by the big leagues in favor of bodybuilders, bikini models and quasi-celebrities or given silly, kiss-of-death gimmicks guaranteed to fail, bestowed upon them by comedy writers who have never bought one ticket to see a wrestling match. They are disgusted by the same writers who have made the matches a meaningless backdrop for silly soap opera scripted by people who, as Bill Watts used to say, if you were to be caught in an athlete’s locker room would be whistling “Stranger in Paradise”. They are fed up with the pervasive nepotism and the arrogance of Vince McMahon thinking he invented and/or owns the entire sport. Most of all, they are confounded by seeing an answer to the biggest question of all, generally phrased as “Why in the flying fuck does Vince Russo have a job?”