Special TNA Online Show, Update on WMania 2012 in Toronto

TNA President Dixie Carter has posted the following Tweet on her Twitter account: "JB and Don West are going to do a live post show following iMPACT! this week on tnawrestling.com."

We posted a photo that a fan sent in earlier noting that The Rogers Centre in Toronto, formerly known as The Skydome, has been advertising that WWE Wrestlemania will take place at the venue in 2012. PWInsider.com is reporting that The Rogers Centre is in fact the frontrunner for the event.

Additionally, the following was sent in by Mike Jones:

I Was just reading your post with the picture of the big screen at the Rogers Centre in Toronto. While in Toronto the last week of October to see Metallica, my friends and I took the tour of Rogers Centre where the tour guide told us Wrestelmania WAS coming in 2012. The conversation came up as he was explaining that Wrestlemania still holds the top 2 attendance records in Roger Centre/Skydome history and we asked when it was coming back… he replied "It’s just been confirmed for 2012."


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