(Spoilers) TNA Impact Results For 11/19 & Some Of Next Week

…continued from page two

Mick Foley and Abyss come to the ring and Foley has a patch over his eye. Foley says that due to the Hogan situation, he now has to present an ID to get into the Impact Zone. Foley says that no one messes around with them. Foley says that they will exact revenge tonight. Abyss starts to speak but he is interrupted by Raven, Dr. Stevie, and Daffney. Stevie makes jokes about burning Mick Foley and then he hands the mic to Raven. Raven says that he wants the old Foley back and he says that Foley is more worried about Hulk Hogan than anything else. Foley says that he will wrestle tonight and it will be Foley and Abyss versus Raven and Stevie.

Match Number Two: Amazing Red defeated Scott Steiner by Disqualification in a Non Title Match. Steiner hit the Steiner Screwdriver on Red and then he grabbed the ‘Big Poppa Pipe’ and hit Red with it to cause the disqualification.

Continued on page four …


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