WWE House Show Results (11/14): Dublin, Ireland

…continued from page two

The Undertaker Vs. CM Punk

World Heavyweight Championship Casket Match

Crowd was very into this match, although it was very short; no more than about 4 minutes. Taker moved fairly slowly. They brought the casket out to CM Punk’s music and lighting. That was bizarre. One or two spots with the casket itself, including Punk taking a nasty looking backdrop onto the casket over the ropes which dented it. A little too similar to the Shawn Michaels casket bump for my liking but at least he landed dead-centre on it. Punk appeared to botch a GTS early on. Match was messy, but the crowd were into it purely because it was The Undertaker.

Undertaker def. Punk following Tombstone.

Overall, a decent event, nothing spectacular. It really seemed like some of the guys were knackered from the rest of the tour. No Jericho or Batista, which was a bit disappointing.