Undertaker R.I.P. Tour Show Results – Cardiff, Glamorgan UK

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Mickie James vs Michelle Mccool for the Womens Championship
Nothing special, Mccool wins after powerbomb pin from the turnbuckle. Not sure if it’s a signature move or not?
Mickie got an applause from some fans.
Goldust vs Christian for the ECW Championship
Both got huge pops, shaked hands before the match. Christian grabbed the mic. before things got underway, saying there’s alot of his "Welsh Peeps here tonight". Nice match, Goldust did better than I thought as far as keeping up the pace goes. Christian got the pinfall after a basic school boy roll up. Both got pops and standing ovations after the match.
Batista vs Rey Mysterio
Batista out first, huge pop from the older fans. Batista played uber-heel with some of the little kids. He gave the middle-finger to a fan that was bowing towards him. Rey came out, spend about 10 minutes getting down the ramp. A dissapointing match, Batista dominated, Rey countered, Batista countered and that was the cycle until things went outside; Batista knocked the Cardiff security guy off his chair as Batista hit the railings. The people that saw it erupted with laughter. Rey Mysterio won by DQ after Batista hit him in the ribs with a steel chair. After the match, Hardy came out and hit Batista with a twist of fate. Ziggler then comes out…followed by Cryme Tyme…then Hart Dynasty. Faces clean house, pose with a Welsh flag to end the show.
Kane was on the appearance list hours before the event, however he did not make an appearance.
Ziggler broke character a little, as he slapped a couple of fans hands when he was in "retreat" during the match.
Natalya did something clever, she slapped my hand, but with impact.
Tony had several advertising sessions, in his last one pre-main event he got a huge "Tony" chant from the crowd.


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