WWE House Show Results (11/6): Brussels, Belgium

…continued from page two

Undertaker def. CM Punk in a Casket Match

After CM Punk  called himself the ‘Muscles from Brussels’, the casket was brought to the ring. When the bells rang, the crowd went crazy and Taker made his famous entrance.  I think everyone in the arena was standing for the deadman. CM Punk jumped out of the ring a few times in the beginning of the match. But in the end, Taker rolled Punk into the casket after a tombstone piledriver.

Overall it was fun 3-hour show. No Jericho, Batista and Kane were disappointing, but I was glad Taker and Rey were there. There was no match above three-star level as they didn’t take too many risks.  However it was nice to see the WWE stars live in action. I also went to the TNA house show in London and this one was totally different. With TNA there was much more interaction with fans and I gotta say the action was faster and better there.