(Spoilers) Detailed TNA Impact Taping Results For This Week

…continued from page two

Mick Foley comes out and says he has a gift for Abyss which turns out to be a drawing of him and Abyss. He praises who Abyss has become. Next week Abyss vs. Dr. Stevie. If Abyss pins Stevie then he is gone from TNA.

Homicide vs Bobby Lashley w/ Krystal who quickly gets sent to the back by Earl Hebner. Lashley wins after a one handed press slam. Cide attacks Lashley from behind only to be brought up for another press slam Lashley drops him after he sees Steiner on the screen going after Krystal. Lashley goes to the back. Cide pushes Earl Hebner twice until Red comes out to save Earl.

AJ vs. Daniels (Take 2)

Crowd was really behind this one and it was a great match that went back and forth between the two. AJ wins after the Styles Clash. At the end of the match Joe looks like he is about to leave and instead chokes AJ out and poses over the two holding the title belt.

Concluded on page four …