Very Detailed Recap Of Hulk Hogan On Larry King Live

…continued from page three

Back from commercial, they show clips of the press conference today. Fans talking about being Hulkamaniacs. LK mentions how Hulk has joined TNA. Hulk avoids question, talks about Austrailian tour. Hulk didn’t say "TNA" at all, which was pretty weird. Says he wants to help elevate the business by contributing as much as he can. LK asks some questions from Twitter. "What’s the difference between your hayday and wrestling now?" Hogan says the big difference is that back then, nobody told them how to walk and talk, and today every wrestler is told that. A Twitter question asks about his steroid use. Hulk says he did it because it was legal back then. Mentions how in the 90’s people became re-educated about it. LK asks about Nick Hogan taking up wrestling training. Hulk mentions Rikishi’s wrestling school to learn the ropes. Says Nick is curious about what his dad was attracted to all those years. Mentions he could be doing it to get in shape, or just for fun. Says it’s going to be interesting where it goes. LK asks about Hulk doing a new reality show. Hulk says sure. LK asks if he’d do one with Jennifer. Hulk says probably not, mentions an American Idol style wrestling contest where they try to find the next Hulk Hogan. Says he thinks it would be interesting.

LK thanks Hulk and his attorney for being on the show. Plugs the book once more.

Sorry if it’s kind of confusing. I was watching it on my DVR and typing at the same time, rewinding and trying to keep up.