(Spoilers) Detailed TNA Impact Taping Results For This Week

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AJ and Daniels vs. Joe and Nash

Nash and Joe win after Daniels goes for a tag but AJ moonsaulted onto Joe on the floor. Nash chokeslams Daniels and says he’s going after Eric Young.

Eric Young is in the back and says he has a huge announcement for next week’s Impact.

Lauren is backstage with the Motor City Machine Guns talking about the first Ultimate X Match on broadcast TV.

Earlier today they taped a segment with the Beautiful People in catering which they called the set for their new movie, "Meanest Girls" which was an attack on Taylor and Sarita.

Raisha Saeed vs. Awesome Kong

Raisha actually had some decent offense including a top rope "famasser". Kong wins after an Implant Buster. She drags Saeed to the top of the ramp after the match and power bombs her off the stage. It takes easily 10 minutes to stretcher her out.

Team 3D comes out for commentary.

Concluded on page four …