(Spoilers) Detailed TNA Impact Taping Results For This Week

Dylan Wolfe sent along the following:


Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Kip James
Sheik wins after a missed Famasser into a roll up with a handful of tights


Kurt Angle comes out by himself says he is in the ring without a family and its been a year since they started the Mafia. He says they were not about job security, it was about respect. He sees that the roster is evolving and growing up talking about the talent of Eric and AJ, focusing on how AJ strives to be the best. Then moves on to Morgan’s talent. He says that he now sees the locker room as his peers and he wants to fight alongside them. 

Out comes Rhino who says the Mafia is no more. He says TNA management wants to phase the vets out to make room for people like Morgan and Hernandez. Kurt says maybe they earned it, but Rhino disagrees.

Now 3D comes out and Brother Ray is screaming at Rhino about what he did to him at BFG (Crowd is ALL OVER Rhino). Rhino says 3D is in the same boat. He tells them maybe they should go in the back and check the card because they are not on it, while he has a match with Hernandez later tonight.

Continued on page two …


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