Raw Ladder (10/19): Who Went Up & Down This Week?


Nick Paglino, Mark Madden, and I were just discussing on last night’s VOW radio show what it would take and whether it was possible for Randy Orton to make Ted DiBiase a mega-face when they turn him and break him off from Legacy.  The doubt I had is at least gone after last night and my answer is now a resounding “Yes, it is very much possible”.

They simply have to do it correctly.  Factions can make stars and Randy Orton himself is a great example of that.  Evolution helped elevate him as a true singles star, in addition to Batista.  I think Batista got a better rub that resulted into a quicker push to stardom due to the perfect, slow, methodical build they presented leading up to it.   Nevertheless, Orton established himself as a true star as well.

DiBiase has the same opportunity to get a huge rub from Orton depending on how creative handles it first and how he handles it after the fact.  I, for one, can not wait to see it go down!