TOP TEN: Career Highlights of Shane McMahon

10. Shane McMahon Turns on Steve Austin at Survivor Series

Shane McMahon became a TV regular while being an on-air character in 1998, during his father’s on-air feud with Steve Austin. In the early days of that angle, McMahon offered support for his father in cameo roles, but he did not become an enforcer like Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson. Later, in the summer, McMahon was a color commentator on Sunday Night Heat for a short amount of time with Jim Ross, and announced with Jerry Lawler on the WWF Attitude video game. After the announcing stint was over, McMahon took a role as a regular character, turning on his father by signing Austin to a contract after Vince demoted him to the position of referee. Yet at Survivor Series, McMahon turned heel by turning on Austin and became an official member of The Corporation.


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