RVD To TNA?, What’s DDP Up To These Days?, More

Lee sent along the following: I called into RVD’s blogtalkradio show the other night and the main question was whether he should go to WWE or TNA?  When I called in a woman screened me and asked which way I was going to vote and when I said WWE, she said "Ok, well I will put you through anyway".  They were obviously pushing to get more TNA callers at the end.  He did at one point mention how if he were to go to TNA that he would be closer to his folks, as they live in Florida.

Bub sent along the following: I saw that Promolast Events (the company that produced the recent Lex Luger video blogs) is now working with Diamond Dallas Page to raise money for the Shepherd Center, which is the spinal rehab organization that helped Lex.  DDP is currently auctioning off his autographed ring worn pants on promolastevents.com with 100% of the proceeds being donated.  Good cause.


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