Very Detailed ROH Results & Notes From This Weekend

…continued from page one

3. We have a 4 Way match-up.
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Ace Steel vs. Petey Williams vs. Colt Cabana

This match was not initially stated on the card, but it was a nice welcome. Right from the beginning I knew that Claudio would get singled out and would get tripled teamed by the rest of the combatants. Petey would almost act as the comedy relief of the match by acting like he could be part of the Second City Saints. At first Cabana and Steel would just look at Petey weird about the whole thing, but they eventually let him play along and they all pummeled Claudio. The beating would not last long and eventually Claudio would re-direct the match in his favor. Claudio would land a few big solid moves to his opponents, and things would turn into a "who can one up who?" type of match. The end would see Claudio delivering the Ricola Bomb to Ace Steel.

4. The Briscoe’s vs. The House of Truth (Josh Raymond & Christin Able
w/ Truth Martini)

Going into this I was thinking that The Briscoe’s would just clean "the house" with these two wrestler, but by my excitement this match could have went either way. The house of Truth actually stood toe-to-toe with the Briscoe’s most of the match, and it could have easily come down to who will be in the right place at the right time. It may have also not helped that Truth Martini was constantly getting his hand in the match and keeping the Briscoe’s from keeping a strong pace. In the end though, the Briscoe’s would land a Springboard Doomsday Device on Josh Raymond and Jay would pic up the win for his team.


Continued on page three …


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