Very Detailed ROH Results & Notes From This Weekend

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5. Davey Richards vs. Kenny Omega

This match was easily set as the wild card of the night. We have Richards coming off of the big win over Danielson and looks to become the man to eventually take his place in the Indy scene. Richards looked to be playing no games with Omega and was being as ferocious as ever and kept the pain coming quickly and all throughout the match. Omega would get in dome big hits as well, but Davey looked to constantly have the upper hand. Richards would hit Omega with everything he had, but Omega showed a lot of heart by kicking out and fighting through everything that was put in front of him. This match had many close pinfalls and many close submissions and Richards seemed to be getting very frustrated that he could not just finish off Omega. Richards finally got Omega wore down enough to try and finish him off with the DR Driver. He would set up Omega, but out of nowhere Omega rolled up Richards and got the one…two…three. In one the biggest upsets in a while Omega beat the man that a lot of people thought was the #1 contender for A Doubles ROH Title. This should give Omega a lot of steam going into the future, but you got to keep it in the back of your mind that Richards will look for retribution.

6. Kenny King & Rhett "Addicted to Love" Titus over The Young Bucks of Nick & Matt Jackson

Bucks hit "More Bang for Your Buck" on King, but Titus got the tag before the Bucks set up the combo, and he schoolboyed Matt for the pin, also note there was some holding of the tights as well.

7. Chris Hero w/Shane Hagadorn vs. Tyler Black

Alright we have the returning Tyler Black, who has coming back tonight after having to under go minor surgery on his neck. Then we have "That Young Knockout Kid" trying to take advantage of Black’s recent surgery to land the victory with his devastating elbows. This match would be like many of the other matches of the night by having many back and forth moments with Hero looking to get the victory on multiple occasions. Each man landed very solid blows to one another and tried to go for the pin. In the end Black would evade one of Hero’s elbows and Delivers his patented God’s Last Gift for the victory. I was pulling for Hero to get the victory in this match, since like McGuinness said "Tyler Black always drops the ball" in his Title Contendership matches.

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