Very Detailed ROH Results & Notes From This Weekend

…continued from page three

8. ROH Title Match:
Austin Aries (c) vs. Delirious /w Daizee Haze

Here we go the hometown favorite against the best of the best, at the moment, in ROH Wrestling. Can Delirious get the ROH Title for the first time tonight, or will the current Champion just be too clever. Delirious would come out quickly and show that he was seriously in the match to beat Aries. Both men would have a combo for each other and we would see Aries go for the "Last Chancery" only for Delirious to counter it into the "Cobra Stretch." During the match Aries would look to be running after Delirious only to side step him and deliver the "Heat Seeking Missile" onto Daizee Haze on the outside. Delirious would wonder what just happened for a second, as the crowd almost went silent for a second just from the sheer sound of Haze smacking up against the guard post. Delirious would try and check up on Haze, but Aries took advantage and delivered a Brainbuster to Delirious on the floor. Aries would get in the ring and build himself up as the best in ROH. While this was happening the ref would be running the count trying to get Delirious to get back in the ring before he would be disqualified. Delirious would barely make the count, but this would soon be the downfall as with a few minutes later Aries would land another Brainbuster and get the pin.

All in all this was a very solid show. Many big moments as well a lot of big surprises. It was awesome to shake hands with Jim Cornette and get a few laughs listening to him pretty much make run Vince Russo into the dirt, well if you can even run him any further down? I recommend that when this show is released on DVD that you pick it up, and just enjoy an awesome show.


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