TNA House Show Results (10/3): Dublin, Ireland

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Match 6: Kurt Angle and TNA Tag Team Titles Booker T & Scott Steiner v Abyss & Team 3D

Team 3D came through the crowd to a great response, great heat by Booker T having a go at security to make sure no kids touch him. Tables and chairs were legal.

Winner: Team 3D & Abyss

At the end of the match Team 3D went on the microphone and said that Ireland has the toughest tables to break, they invited a fan into the ring and gave him a piece of the table. The fans mother was invited in, and Bubba dared D Von to kiss her and he did! There were chants to put the kid and the mother through a table and Bubba laughed and said, "You are sick son of a bitches!"

Even though the arena was nowhere near capacity this was a great TNA show and hats off to the roster for pulling out a great event and giving a 110% effort.