Bret Hart Talks About Rumors Of Interest In WWE Return

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At the latest WWE Pay-Per-View, Breaking Point, "The Montreal Screwjob" was redone once again (in the World Heavyweight Championship submission Match between CM Punk & The Undertaker), and many fans are getting more irritated at the fact that the WWE simply cannot let this go. Bret was asked for his candid thoughts about the events of last Sunday night & the chants of "You Screwed Bret" that not only echoed the confines of The Bell Centre, but The Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario the next night on RAW. "I have al ot of fans across Canada, so you’re get the same reaction in Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, or anywhere else. But Montreal is especially sensitive to it. People second-guess me today & say ‘You should just done what you were told that day,’ and ‘he thought he was bigger than the business.’ I think people don’t understand sometimes what it was like for me & how much was at stake. I was on the verge of being a national hero up here at that time. Just winning the World Title made me a huge hero up here. To every Canadian, that was a huge thing, a big accomplishment, and when they tried to turn me into a heel and & say all those negative things about America, it did something for the Canadian fans, and gave them a platform & a voice." Bret profoundly remembers telling Vince McMahon right before the ’97 Survivor Series that he could not walk in that building in Montreal & lose. "The whole intention of everything they did that day was to tear me down as much as possible so I would mean nothing going into WCW."

The History Of’s Graham Cawthon asked Bret for his comments about the success of The Hart Dynasty (David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, & Natalya Neidhart) on SmackDown, as well as if he feels that the three are progressing in the right fashion. "I think they are all doing a great job. They’re getting better & better and more confident. Technically, they are as good as they’re gonna get, and they’re as good as anybody in the company when it comes to actually working. Their work stands on its own. I’m proud of all three of them."

The big question that has been on the hearts & minds of wrestling fans across the globe is "Will Bret return to WWE TV?" "The Hitman" has done it all in the wrestling business, and with the recent news of his eldest daughter (Jade) expecting her first child (making Bret a grandfather for the first time), what else is left for him to do & accomplish? With the recent speculation that has made the rounds on the internet of Bret’s "imminent" WWE return, Mosh asked the man himself what’s next for him in the next phase of his career. "I’m just going to keep pulling one of my guiding rules in life, doing what makes me happy & taking good care of myself. I’ve done my hard work, and now, I’m just looking to fulfill whatever dreams I have left. I’ll like to write two or three more books about various topics, maybe even write some fictional books about wrestling." Will Bret stay true to his Stampede Wrestling roots & potentially take the "Ambassador" role of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair in Ring Of Honor, or will he "head on home" to World Wrestling Entertainment & return as a regular character/personality on World Wrestling Entertainment television? All we can say is…Stay tuned.

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