An Outlandish Hulk Hogan Claim, Lillian Garcia’s Replacement

In a recent interview with The Daily Telegraph, Hulk Hogan said that he tore both of his biceps bodyslamming Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania 3. He then went on to make the following outlandish claim: "It was Wrestlemania III and, while we hadn’t planned it, Andre said ‘if you reckon you can lift me brother, go for it.’"

Hogan also commented on reports that he took down a guy who looked like a member of the Hell’s Angels: "On Sunday we were in Melbourne, going into a restaurant when this guy – you know what a Hells Angel looks like, right? – well, he came screaming across the room at me. So I blocked him, hooked him and took him down. It was all over fairly quickly."

Lauren Mayhew, who is a singer and an actress, did the ring announcing at last night’s Smackdown tapings. Although Lillian Garcia does not do ring announcing on Smackdown, it’s being said that having Mayhew do the announcing last night was a way to groom her to be a possible replacement for Lillian on Raw. Since Mayhew is a singer, and WWE was reportedly looking for an announcer who could sing, it seems most likely that Mayhew will replace Garcia. For more information on Mayhew, including photos, visit


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