Recap Of TNA Stars On MTV’s “MADE” Last Night

Credit: Tim Delong &

I just got done watching the MTV show "Made." Great show. The girl’s name was Becca Stoner. She was portrayed as a girly-girly on the show. She was trained by the "Phenomenal" A.J. Styles and his friend Chris. She did a pretty good job in training, although she did get hurt when she monkey-flipped Chris. His head hit her on her jaw. She had to go to the hospital, but she turned out to be okay. A.J. brought her and her mom to Orlando for a TNA show. I believe it was the Sacrifice ’09 PPV.

She started out as part of the ring crew by sweeping the ring, putting the mat on the ring, and wiping down the ropes. At one point, Taylor Wilde gave her a little training in the ring, which went pretty well. Taylor told Becca that she was going to be Becca’s tag-team partner in a match.

Jeremy Borash taught Becca the proper way to cut a promo. Becca had to cut a promo against "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal. Lethal had Consequences Creed with him. Of course, they showed TNA footage throughout the show.

Becca, her mom, and Becca’s friends flew to Idaho for Becca’s TNA debut at a live event. It was a TNA Knockout tag match with The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) vs. Becca the Survivor and Taylor Wilde. It was a good match with Becca and Taylor as the winners.

Overall, I would give the show an A.

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