(Spoilers) TNA iMPACT! Results For Next Thursday (8/27)

TNA Impact (…continued from page one)

Jesse Neal b. Rhino. Rhino was originally ruled the winner after a spinebuster but the referee reversed the decision when Rhino hit Gore on Jesse after the bout. Rhino beats down Jesse more when Brother Devon runs out and makes the save.

Abyss b. The Motor City Machineguns w/Dr. Stevie. It looks like Stevie “paid” the Guns to take the match. Stevie tries to distract Abyss but he catches Chris Sabin on a springboard and turns it into the Black Hole Slam for the win. Abyss gets a chair and comes back but Kevin Nash comes out before he can use it. Stevie is mad and pushes Alex Shelley and Sabin. They beat him up and leave. Nash gets on the mic and says if Richards has $50,000 for Abyss’ head then he’s in because Abyss already stuck his nose in his business.

Hamada b. Daffney in a no-disqualification bout in her debut match. Hamada moonsaulted off the top rope onto Daffney through a table on the outside then got the win with a Juvi Driver.

Suicide & Daniels b. Pope D’Angelo Dinero & TNA X Division Champion Samoa Joe win Suicide pins Pope after a slingshot Oklahoma Roll.

Sting, Hernandez & AJ Styles b. Matt Morgan, Scott Steiner & Booker T after AJ gets the pin after a springboard cross-body. Morgan got knocked into a chair Steiner was holding before that, leading the the cross-body. Morgan argued with Steiner and Booker afterwards and ended up punching both of them out.