(Spoilers) TNA iMPACT! Results For Next Thursday (8/27)

TNA iMPACT! taping results for August 27, 2009!

Credit: WrestlingNewsWorld.com

Dave Penzer introduces Mike Tenay, Taz and So Cal Val. There’s a contingent of Spike TV who look like they’re going to film.

Xplosion/Dark Matches:

Homicide b. Kiyoshi w/Sheik Abdul Bashir. Homicide debuted new ring gear as the top is a fake bulletproof vest with airbrushed stuff on it. Homicide picked up the win after hitting the Ace Crusher.

Sheik Abdul Bashir b. Shark Boy

TNA Impact (Airing Next Week, 8/27 on Spike TV):

Prior to the intro, Daniels joins Mike Tenay and Taz on commentary. It is announced tonight will be the start of a Knockouts Tag Team Tournament.

The Impact intro plays and the pyros go off. Referee Earl Hebner politely told our correspondent, Tim Capture, not to look directly into the pyro.

TNA X Division Champion Samoa Joe vs. Suicide in a non-title match is ruled a non contest when Pope D’Angelo Dinero comes out and starts brawling with Suicide then Joe. Daniels comes off commentary to get in the melee. It is ruled that Joe will team with Pop to take on Suicide & Daniels later tonight.

World Elite comes out for a promo. Eric Young says Sheik Abdul Bashir wants to talk. Bashir tries to speak but a loud USA chant interrupts him. Bashir talks propaganda about the Iraq war and George W. Bush. I’m told he gets a lot of heat live but it may not translate well on TV. Young gets back on the mic and says he wants to talk about Hernandez. Hernandez’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Hernandez and Young go back and forth with smack talk. Young says he respects Hernandez for knowing who he is and being like World Elite, guys who will never be respected in America. Young tells Hernandez he needs him to join World Elite. Hernandez says hell no puta, these people here are my familia to end the segment.

Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed b. Traci Brooks & Sharmell when Saeed gets the pin after tagging herself in after a Kong splash. Kong gets mad about Saeed tagging herself in.

Make sure to click below for page two of our TNA iMPACT! spoiler report.


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