(Spoilers) WWE SmackDown! Taping Results For Friday

SmackDown SpoilersWWE SmackDown Spoilers — PAGE THREE

Airdate: Friday, August 7, 2009

Credit: Mike Johnson & PWInsider.com

Great Khali vs. Ricky Ortiz

*Great Khali destroyed Ricky Ortiz. Kane came out from under ring and tossed Khali out of the ring, then went after Runjin Singh and dragged him through the crowd out of the Arena. Khali slowly followed through the crowd 2 minutes later, possibly after a commercial break I’m guessing. 

*Matt Hardy is introduced as the special enforcer for the World title match. 

World Title:

Special Enforcer: Matt Hardy

-Jeff Hardy (c) vs. CM Punk

*Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk. Jeff gets in Matt’s face but Matt won’t even look him in the eye, glaring away. Hardy is outside of ring enforcer. They went back and forth with a solid bout. Hardy went to the top but Punk cut him off. Punk nailed a superplex off the top for a two count. Punk nailed a martial arts combination and went for GTS but Hardy avoided. Punk rolled up Hardy but was kicked out of the ring. Hardy did a dive out onto Punk. The Hardys faced off outside. Punk hit a sliding kick but Jeff moved and Matt got hit. Jeff took Punk down and went for the Swanton. Punk got his knees up and went for the pin but at 2, Matt pulled the referee out of the ring. Punk began screaming at Matt but Jeff rolled him up from behind and Matt counted a fast three. A shocked Punk attacked Jeff and beat his head into the announcing table, then beat him with a chair. He stuck Hardys head in a chair and ran him into the ringpost. 

Teddy Long Makes An Announcement

Teddy Long came out and asked Punk if he was proud of himself and Punk said he was because Matt Hardy screwed him. Punk said he was and he wanted his rematch. Long said if Hardy can defend the title by Summerslam, Punk will get it…in a TLC match. Punk was pissed about the stipulation.