WWE Night Of Champions Results – July 26, 2009

WWE Night of Champions Results — PAGE TWO
Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, PA
Report by: Richard Gray of WrestlingNewsWorld.com

We’re backstage with Josh Mathews and CM Punk. Punk gets a heel reaction from the live audience. Punk leaves the backstage area and comes out with a microphone. Punk cuts a heel promo on Jeff Hardy, drawing immense heat from the crowd. Punk asks for Hardy fans to stand up. Punk tells the cameras to get a good shot of all the people rooting for Hardy. Punk says he doesn’t blame the people supporting Jeff Hardy but blames their parents. Punk says he said parents but he should have said parent because it’s obviously a single parent situation – just like Jeff Hardy grew up. Punk says people are so concerned with their relationship with their kids failing like they’re marriage did they are enablers for their children.

Punk says he doesn’t blame anyone rooting for Hardy under 17-years-old. Punk continues to berate Hardy and Hardy fans. The Straight Edge is now a full-fledged heel.

Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Christian
ECW Championship Match

The ECW Champion, Tommy Dreamer, comes out first to defend his belt. The challenger, Christian, makes his way to ringside next. The referee holds up the belt to signify it’s on the line then calls for the bell. Dreamer and Christian circle one another then lockup. The referee separates them in the corner as they exchange slaps. Dreamer delivers a shoulder block to Christian but he counters with an arm bar take down. Side headlock from Christian but Dreamer gets out and Christian hits a heel kick followed by a one count. Dreamer lands offense on Christian to get a one count. The crowd is dead until ECW chants start. Christian slaps Dreamer then goes off the ropes into him. Dreamer rolls to the apron as Christian charges him. Dreamer blocks with his shoulder and attempts a suplex from the apron. Christian counters and pulls Dreamer off on the outside. Christian hits a baseball slide on Dreamer who is on the outside. Christian jumps out of the ring from the middle rope but nobody’s home. Dreamer gets on the apron and goes off onto Christian. Dreamer gets Christian back in the ring and goes for a scoop and a slam. He delivers it and gets a two count. Dreamer gets on the middle rope but Christian pulls him off.

Christian works over Dreamer by landing a stiff kick to the back of his neck. Dreamer gets up and starts to counter. Christian fights him off with right hands. Christian goes for the Kill Switch but Dreamer counters. Christian locks in a sleeper hold for a counter but Dreamer drops back and breaks the hold. Both men are down. Christian locks back in the hold from Dreamer’s back. Dreamer runs out of the ring, breaking the hold. The referee starts the double count out. Christian and Dreamer get back in at 9. Christian goes off the top with a double sledge but misses. Dreamer builds a counter and gets a two count for a near fall. Dreamer puts Christian in a tree of woe position and lands a kick. Dreamer hits Sky High and gets a two count. Dreamer goes for a pump handle slam but Christian counters with a suplex and a two count. Christian goes off the middle rope with a dropkick and goes back to the top rope. Dreamer blocks and locks in the Texas cloverleaf. Christian is able to break the hold but Dreamer catapults him face-first into the turnbuckle. They exchange roll-ups in counters. Christian goes off the top with a dropkick on Dreamer to regain control. Christian goes for the Kill Switch but Dreamer goes for the DDT. Christian hits the Kill Switch in a counter and pins Dreamer for the three count and the win.

Winner & new ECW Champion – Christian

After the match, Christian and Dreamer embrace as Christian celebrates in the ring.

We’re backstage with Todd Grisham who’s with the Unified WWE Tag Team Champions Big Show and Chris Jericho. Show says him and Jericho aren’t friends but you don’t have to be friends to be champions. Show says this is business and shows off the belts. Jericho says together they are going to be the most dominate team in WWE history – more so than the Hart Foundation, etc. Show says they’re team is about size and intelligence and puts over their accomplishments. Show says it’s simply smart business except for one slight thing. Jericho thanks Edge for making all this possible.

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