JR Discusses DiBiase on Raw, Gives a Hardy Update and More

Jim Ross has updated his blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

"The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase, came off as the shining star of the program in my view. MDM was a new face/voice and add a fresh element to the show that worked for me. Every weekly, episodic TV broadcast, including and especially a wrestling show needs ‘new’ and DiBiase provided ‘new.’ DiBiase’s promos felt natural and on point. Give the man some bullet points and turn him loose. Good, verbal stuff all night from Teddy….hey, I’ve known him since day one and I can call him Teddy if I choose."

"Can Carlito and Primo grow and evolve on the same TV show without it always being about the two of them at odds? My suggestion would be to do another trade and move one of them off Raw and to another brand. Can Primo become the ‘next Eddy Guerrero?’ That might be challenging."

"Matt Hardy has had surgery according to Matt Hardy so I guess we won’t be seeing Matt on SD for a few weeks. Matt needs some good luck and a few main event ops. My advice to Matt is to rely on your instincts, Twitter your ass off while you are on the mend, come back with the mindset that no one is better, don’t date any more Divas, and do not use one, Dr. Heiney. I’m just saying."


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