WWE “The Bash” PPV Results – June 28, 2009

WWEWWE “The Bash” Results — Page Two
June 28, 2009
Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

Backstage: Chris Jericho & Teddy Long

Jericho complaining that Mysterio had a second mask on and that should be illegal. General Manager Teddy Long tells Jericho he will not get his contract-obligated rematch tonight.

Singles Match:
-Dolph Ziggler vs. The Great Khali

First out is The Great Khali as his music sounds. Out next is Dolph Ziggler who walks to the ring with a smile and strut, jumping into the ring. Bell rings. Match begins. Ziggler kicks Khali. Khali with a major advantage early on in the match. Ziggler grabs a steel chair from outside of the ring, hitting Khali. Khali not even fazed, knocking the chair out of Ziggler’s hands. Khali throwing Ziggler like a ragdoll in the ring. Kane’s music sounds in the middle of the match. Khali looking a bit shacred in the ring as Kane walks down the ramp. Ziggler beats Khali with the chair, then jumps out of the ring as Kane gets in. Kane starts beating Khali with the chair. Khali laying in the middle of the ring. Ziggler gets back in the ring, pinning The Great Khali for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Backstage: Vince McMahon & Teddy Long

Vince McMahon walks in to Teddy Long’s office. McMahon, “I wanted to apologize at first. My god, you’ve accomplished… absolutely nothing, being the longest running General Manager. Then I thought about you, and your leadership skills. You and me, we’re in a foxhole together and then out of sheer boredom and depression, i would shoot myself. The only thing you have going for you at all is that little dance thing. Even then, you don’t have a sense of rhythm. You’re still on probation. Get yourself together.” Then walks away.

Unified Tag-Team Championship
Primo & Carlito (c) vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Jericho & Edge

Out first is Primo and Carlito as their music blares through the speakers in th arena. They jump into the ring with their belts around their necks. Out next is Legacy members Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase as their music sounds. As they’re all standing in the ring, Teddy Long’s music sounds. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this match will now be a triple threat tag team match.” Edge’s music sounds, and Edge stands at the top of the ramp as Chris Jericho’s music sounds as well and they walk to the ring together. The match officially begins as the bell rings. In the ring first is Carlito and Ted DiBiase. Carlito taking out DiBiase, Primo jumping in the ring attempting to pin DiBiase. Primo attacking DiBiase in the ring now. Carlito kicks DiBiase in the face as he’s tagged in. Carlito putting DiBiase in a headlock in the middle of the ring. DiBiase gets back to his feet as Primo is tagged back in by Carlito. DiBiase kicks Primo in the face then runs over to knock Carlito off the side ropes. Edge and Jericho looking frustrated because no one will tag them in, or go near them. Cody Rhodes in the ring with Primo now. Edge tags himself in on Rhodes. DiBiase tags himself in right after on Edge. DiBiase with a cover on Primo. Primo with a cover directly back on DiBiase. Rhodes back in the ring with Primo now. Rhodes attacking Primo as Primo is trying to get over to Carlito for the tag. Rhodes trying to get Primo to tap out, Edge jumps in and breaks it up. Rhodes tags in DiBiase. Primo throws DiBiase out of the ring. Primo gets the tag on Carlito. Carlito with a lot of momentum attacking Rhodes. DiBiase jumps in to break up the pin fall. Jericho then jumps in. Carlito throws Jericho out. Edge tags himself in without Carlito seeing it. Carlito knocks Edge off the side. Carlito with the back stabber on Rhodes. Edge had already been tagged in, Ref tells Carlito Edge is the legal opponent. Edge pins Carlito for the win.

Winner and NEW Unified Tag-Team Champions: Chris Jericho & Edge

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