Final Batch of Monday Night Raw WZ Reader Feedback

The following posts are reader reviews of last night’s Monday Night Raw broadcast. If you want to send us your thoughts, please email them to!

The following is from Mohamed

For so much hype of a commercial-free RAW, it sure didn’t live up to it. It seemed like they weren’t prepared to fill up the entire 2 hour show, so they had long promos that were basically the same as the last few week’s.
Off to the Trump. Donald Trump’s promos have no emotion at all. When announcing stuff like matches, refunds, etc he should be acting ecstatically, instead it just seems like he’s tired of reciting his scripts. And as far as the Trump era, I thought it would’ve lasted longer than an hour. Maybe they’ll have an angle where Trump "trumps" McMahon into thinking he was going to sell back RAW. But I did like Santina’s suggestion of a "Mc-Donald’s" collaboration lol.
And honestly, who couldn’t predict HHH returning and automatically getting 2 matches for the WWE Title? It was so unrealistic as well, he got his knee bashed against the post several times and crushed by a ladder. Yet Lord behold, a miracle happens and he’s able to stand up and hit a Pedigree. Then he’s able to charge at Orton, ram his head into the car, pull the trunk on him and walk away. WOW if only I could heal that quick!
One last thing, RAW usually has 4-8 sponsors every show that they have a splash-screen promoting before matches. Now there’s a commercial-free episode and only KFC had the balls to take a chance and see how WWE could incorporate their ads? Well KFC sure got a lot of attention! I’m 21 years old by the way (That Dan post got me too, Nick!)


The following is from KG

I can sum up last night in one word, garbage.  I am so tired of Vince coming back for a week, setting up a storyline and then ending it the next week (seems to have happened several times since he stopped being a regular on air personality).  If it was so important to "sell" Raw the week before, why did he wait until Trump had been running the show for only an hour and a half to buy it back?  This is the reason everyone above the age of 12 is tired of their product.

The following is from Mr. K. Fabe

I just want to say that I had Raw turned off for two months.   When I learned of the angle with Trump, I tuned in last week for the later part of the show with enthusiasm that WWE was tuning a new leaf.   I was excited that finally with WWE bringing Donald Trump in, that they were turning a new leaf.  Obviously, I knew it wasn’t going to be long-term, but I at least thought the angle would go a month or two. 

Last night I tuned in for the whole show for the first time for two months.  The crowd was clearly into the show and there was an excitement level in a WWE arena I haven’t seen in some time.   And the show was probably the most interesting show I’ve seen since the Orton/Stephanie angle.

So what happens?  McMahon blows it, yet again.   He couldn’t even get the WWE to extend it’s biggest angle since Orton/McMahon for more than one show.   Pathetic.   And I realize this could be due to the stock price dropping slightly, and Vince freaking out.   But that would be as a result of poor planning on his part and the part of the USA Network with initially implying that the Raw takeover was a shoot.   Bad move.   Stupid, idiotic move.   I don’t know why they even bother trying this kayfabe crap anymore, when it only gets them into trouble.   Just admit it’s a storyline.   You’ll still get some publicity, even if Trump’s name is attached to it.  

Or, perhaps Vince really did have no intention of carrying the angle past one week.   Maybe he did it just to bring in some viewers and produce a large rating for a commercial free Raw, while attaching Trump’s name to it for extra publicity.   If so, then that is even worse, as this was an obvious Bait and Switch attempt on the part of McMahon.   And where as Raw will likely do a nice rating for this week, things will be back to normal next week.   And the Bait and Switch has left a pretty bad taste in my mouth, tuning in and expecting things to improve.

Raw is back off again next week, as have all the other WWE programs for some time in my house, anyway.   I’ll simply go back to reading the newsboards and have myself waken up when something interesting happens again.

I’m just terribly disappointed that they couldn’t get this angle to go for more than one week, and again, it makes Vince look pretty bad.


The following is from KingMSTR

I think Monday Night Raw was alright.The Cena vs Big Show Match was fair.The Triple H vs Randy Orton Match was pretty good but the feud is getting old and as far as the storyline with Donald Trump.That has to be the most stupid storyline that the WWE has come up with.Out of a score of 10,I give it about a 7.5


The following is from Legend

when I think of last nights Raw, i think one word…PREDICTABLE. I mean come on. The beginning was interesting with Trump giving everyone their money back, but then It just got too be predictable. Everyone and their uncle knew that the last man standing match would end in a draw/no contest…it was obvious, ortons not dropping the title 6 days before the ppv. I liked the idea of raw being commercial free every week, until vinnie mac killed that hope by "buying Raw back", come and done for Trump??? and Cena/Big Show should not, I repeat NOT, have been on last. That match was a joke, once again showing cena and his superhero like efforts, the ending was wack, the Miz has as much of a chance against SuperCena as a pillow. overall this Raw was like a bottle rocket, great anticipation, but fizzled out. I give it 6 out of 10


The following is from Jay

Raw didnt live up the hype of being historical. its hardly memorable IMO. The best part of Raw was Triple H attacking Orton as it went off the air.

Nothing special to me. Raw is hardly worth watching anymore.


The following is from J Orchard

When trump brought raw last week i was looking forward to the storyline expanding and seeing what would happen in the coming weeks with a trump/vince feud over raw. now i realise after watching it last nite that vince only did this for a quick ratings jump. I was dissappointed by what i saw last nite with vince buying raw back surley creative could of got at least a few weeks out of this storyline out of it? But that wasnt the intention in the first place it was to get the mainsteam media talking about his product again. I have been a wrestling fan since i was 5 years old and what made me a fan was cnnpelling storylines and wrestlers but vince doesnt have that anymore on raw so he has to resort to crap like last nite!! Will be watching more smackdown in the coming weeks and will be giving raw a miss!!



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