First Batch of TNA Slammiversary Reader Feedback

The following posts are reader reviews of TNA’s Slammiversary PPV. If you want to send us your thoughts, please email them to!

The following is from Mark

My opinion of Slammiversary is much like my opinion of TNA, which is very high. I had given up on TNA a few times since I began watching in 2005, but on a friend’s recommendation gave them a chance again two months ago. I have been blown away by how good the booking, matches, storylines, and overall general feeling that TNA has been conveying.
Every match maintained my interest, had a reason, came across as logical and with good psychology. In general I am enjoying it on the levels that I haven’t since 1998. So consider me a TNA mark, and I am excited by the future.
I don’t mind giving the veterans some work, but Shane Douglas just does not belong in the ring. Raven on the other hand had a very good match, and even though both he and Daffney’s promos are a bit over the top, I have become a HUGE Daffney mark. I would have had Sabin go over Suicide in the hometown, but that’s just me. I wou have also have a Nash and Steiner match, possibly with Booker in a 6 man tag and had them go over. I also would not have had Morgan job so easily to Morgan, maybe more of a screwball finish.
But otherwise, I was very much into it and look forward to Victory Road.
The following is from Nick
I thought the PPV was great from beginning to end. Not one match was dull or boring. I think one thing that made it stand out was having that HUGE crowd compared to what they have i the impact zone. The 3D/Beer Money match started out slow but picked up well in the middle. The Monsters Ball mixed tag was fantastic. Taylor and Daffeny showed the crowd women can be hardcore also. World title match had a good twist. The crowd was loud for AJ ever time he had the effort for the laddar. I have seen TNA live in person and now live on PPV and must say they are almost there. WWE best watch out. 5 out of 5 stars.
The following is from Pook
1. X Division Title Match- 7.5/10– Not surprised that Suicide retained the X Division Title.
2. Daniels VS Douglas- 7/10- It was pretty much a boring match, it could of happened at Impact instead of Slammiversary but it’s to late to change it now.
3. TNA Women Knockouts Title- 8/10- Tara had pretty much no chance against Love with Sky and Rayne at Love’s side.
4. Abyss and Taylor Wilde VS Raven and Daffney- 8.5/10- Daffney getting thrown into the thumbtacks was the highlight of the night in my opinion.
5. Sting VS Matt Morgan- 5/10- One Word: BORING!
6.  TNA World Tag Team Title- 8/10- Pretty surprised that Beer Money won the titles but then again they do need the titles.
7. World Title King of the Mountain Match- 9/10- The only good match I was looking for, And all of the rumors saying that Samoa Joe turning heel are now over, Joe is officialy heel and joins the MEM.

Overall Rating: 7.5/10

The following is from Richie
I thought it was a awesome PPV, no match seemed to lag and from the very beginning to the unbelievable Joe Heel turn. It was one of the best!!
The following is from Ed
I’d like to point out that this is the first TNA show I’ve seen since Lockdown. Overall, I think the show was ok. Not anything that will get me to watch again, but there was nothing on the show that made me want to turn it off.

I thought the opening KOTM X-Division title match was a great opener. I do have to say though that I had a bit of a problem with the ladder runway spot at the end. I understand suspending disbelief, but that whole thing required Jay Lethal to sit on a turnbuckle for a while with a ladder on top of his back. That’s stretching it a bit too far.

I’d like to know exactly what Shane Douglas did to become a benchmark in wrestling. If I recall correctly, his great claim to fame happened 15 years ago and the only people who remember him are the 28 year old "smarks" who have been watching wrestling since they were 4. His match with Daniels was ok and that’s largely because of Daniels carrying him.

Tara vs. Angelina Love was ok. I was glad they didn’t do a title change, but I was left scratching my head when Tara didn’t go for the pin and just attacked Sky and Rayne. I think that made her look kind of stupid.

The Monster’s Ball match was a surprise hit for me. I haven’t typically liked the Monster’s Ball match in the past, but all 4 competitors did a fantastic job and major props to Daffney for taking the bump on the thumbtacks. The only thing I hated about this match was the constant interference from Dr. Stevie. I think there was about 6 different occasions when he interrupted the pin including when he stopped the pin after Daffney did the tack bump, which should have ended the match.

The Sting vs. Matt Morgan match was the worst match on the card for me. I thought it was just boring.

I didn’t get to see the Tag title match, but from what I have heard it was very good, so I’ll probably make an effort to watch it elsewhere.

I’ve seen some other feedback on the TNA World title KOTM and one thing I haven’t seen anyone question or comment on is how does someone get DQ’d in a match where people can hit each other with ladders and chairs and throw them through tables? If someone can explain that to me, I’d really appreciate it. Overall, I thought the match was pretty good. AJ as usual showed that he is the best thing that TNA has. I’m also glad that he wasn’t hurt after Foley failed to catch him in that suicide dive attempt. When Joe handed Angle the belt, I laughed. I mean out loud. The ridiculousness of that situation really got to me. I can only imagine that wasn’t the reaction TNA wanted. It just doesn’t make any sense. For the past 3 months, Samoa Joe has been on a mission to basically kill MEM. It was strongly implied that he killed Scott Steiner. When he carried off Sharmel, it looked like he was about to rape her. He’s destroyed Nash and Booker and Angle and now we’re supposed to believe that he’s joining them? This isn’t Austin joining McMahon. Austin did that out of total obsession to win the WWE title. Joe joining MEM is NOTHING like that.

I think the show was ok, but it didn’t really feel like anyone moved up or down the card. This is one of TNA’s biggest shows and more needed to be done and Joe turning heel didn’t really have to be one of those things. I haven’t watched TNa in 2 months and nothing happened on this show that’d really make me want to tune in Thursday.



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