WWE RAW 3-Hour Special Results – June 15, 2009

WWE RAW Results - June 15, 2009WWE RAW Results — PAGE TWO
Charlotte, North Carolina
June 15, 2009
Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

ECW Title:
-Christian vs. Tommy Dreamer (c)

Christian comes out to his music. Champion Tommy Dreamer comes out next. Bell rings. Match begins. Christian automatically goes for a quick cover to no avail. Dreamer relatiates and counter pins for only a one count. Christian with an elbow off the second rope. Christian high flies off the top rope out of the ring onto Tommy Dreamer. Another kickout by Tommy Dreamer. Christian attempting a submission on Dreamer. Dreamer puts Christian on the top rope, then throwing him. Another kickout by Christian. Dreamer damn near breaking Christian’s neck and attempts a pin again. Christian seems to actually hurt his ankle. Dreamer gets the three count on Christian for the win.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer

Backstage: Divas Buzzing
The Divas are backstage buzzing about the sale of Monday Night RAW and wondering whether or not they will still have jobs and who bought the camp.

Fatal Fourway
(Vacant WWE Title):
-Randy Orton vs. Big Show vs. John Cena vs. HHH

Randy Orton’s music hits first as he comes to the ring. Next up is Big Show coming to the ring. Followed by John Cena as a bunch of posters go up in the audience and the crowd gets on it’s feet beginning to rawr. Last out is HHH as his theme music hits the arena. They re-announce each person in the ring with their stats. Big Show begins on Cena as Orton begins on HHH. HHH wasting no time beating the hell out of Randy Orton. Big Show tosses Cena across the ring as he went for the bulldog as we go to commercial. As we come back Orton has turned the match around and has Cena on the ground stomping him. As well as Big Show tearing down Cena. Orton rolls out of the ring while HHH is staggering to his feet. As HHH gets up he begins attacking Big Show. John Cena eliminating Big Show from the equation. HHH and Cena starring each other down in the ring. HHH close lining Cena. Cena with a flying shoulder. Cena preparing for a 5 knuckle shuffle but HHH retaliates with a spine buster then trying to get a Pedigree but Cena counters with an Attitude Adjustment. Big Show and Cena in the ring. Orton turns his anger against HHH outside the ring. Orton beating HHH mercifully on the outside of the ring. Cena throws Big Show, actually lifting and body slamming him. Big Show went for a double choke slam on HHH and Cena but they counter with a double slam. Big Show attacking Orton. Big Show close lining everyone coming at him in the ring. Big Show knocks HHH out of the ring. Randy Orton physically taking Big Show out. Big Show jumps off the second rope on to Cena attempting a pin but Orton breaks it up. Big Show spearing HHH. Big Show once again gets to the second rope to drop onto HHH but HHH rolls out of the way. Big Show blocking Orton. HHH with the Pedigree on Orton. Cena with the attitude adjustment on Big Show. John Cena body slams Big Show. HHH breaking up another pin. Randy Orton pins the Big Show for the win.

Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton

After the Match:
The three men defeated at the ring stare up the ramp at Randy Orton who is once again holding the WWE Championship Belt.

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