National Wrestling Alliance News And Notes For 6-8-09

(10) Jessco Blue (with Don Matthews) beat Jay Clinton (with Mike Mosley & Andrew Alexander) in a Hair vs. Hair Match (6:06). Blue was putting his hillbilly hippie hair up against Clinton’s outlandish two tone Mohawk. Clinton said Jeff Lewis had to make an emergency trip to Costa Rica to deal with Heidi and Spencer, so the tag match was off. Jessco has a zest for life. Crowd was into seeing him pound lumps on Clinton, who did a lot of hair pulling. He did the woman’s spot – standing on Blue’s hair while trying to pull the arms out of their sockets. Clinton started to work an honest-to-God submission on Blue’s arm. Clinton went for that silly ropes walk strut, and Blue pulled him down with an arm drag. They traded and it was wild. Clinton busted Blue’s eye open the hardway. Blue blasted Clinton with a forearm for the lights out pin. Blue was left with blood streaming down his face onto his chest. They got about as much out this match as they possibly could have.


Wild Bunch came out to ensure that Clinton’s partners would not be able to save him from his fate. Matthews and Blue took turns clipping the Mohawk with the scissors. Out came the electric razor for some shaving action. They didn’t shave Clinton’s head bald, but this was even better, because they messed him up so bad that he couldn’t have looked more hideous. Blue slapped Clinton to wake him up and kicked him in the ass. Clinton was subjected to the “Bald-headed geek” chant.


Palmer entered the ring with the heavyweight title belt saying he had bad news. Palmer called out Vain and Rob Adonis. With a look of glee, Vain told Palmer no apologies were necessary for suspending him as long as he got the title. “Crown me.” Palmer said it wasn’t happening like that. Palmer said he was reinstating Vain at Jackson’s request and giving him a title shot on June 20, but it would be his last shot. Unbeknownst to Vain, Jackson had stealthed into the ring from the front door. Palmer advised Vain to look behind him. Vain shoved Adonis towards Jackson. Jackson dispensed with Adonis. Vain bailed out untouched. Fans gave Jackson a huge ovation as he limped up the ramp.


(11) Truitt Fields & Ace Rockwell & Mikal Judas beat Phil Shatter & Kimo & Shaun Tempers (with the Reverend & Jeff G. Bailey) in 14:43 when Fields pinned the NWA National Champion Shatter. Monster pop for the babyface side. No random six man here. Everyone involved had a well defined issue with somebody else. Tempers took some great bumps early. Judas had him goozled but Kimo intervened. Kimo and Judas staggered each other with heavy blows. They did a test of strength. Kimo broke it with a judo throw. Judas immediately answered with a lariat. The faces trapped Kimo in the corner and did he ever take a beating, but he never went down. Rockwell ended up as the babyface-in-peril, a role he plays oh so well. He did an awesome job selling Kimo’s rapid fire martial arts blows. Rockwell hit a shades-of-double A spinebuster on Tempers to set up the hot tag to Judas. They lost the crowd here a bit for some reason. It broke down to wild 6 way action. Fields hit a flying shoulder block off a blind tag to break up a PTSD attempt by Shatter. Shatter blocked the Killing Fields. Fields blocked the PTSD and pinned Shatter with a backslide.


Hunter announced Shatter vs. Fields for the NWA National Title on June 20. For those of you keeping score at home, both of the top singles titles will be up for grabs in two weeks.


NOTES: There will be no Anarchy show on usual first Saturday in July because it falls on the 4th. The July shows will be on July 11 and July 18, which will also have some fanfest type activities… Official Express (Mike Posey & Wes Adams) were canceled off the show…Alexander and Tempers worked the 6/5 WGCW/SECW show in Buchanan…Talent & Money are booked for the 6/12 SECW show in Carrollton.



NWA Anarchy TV Report by Ca$hFlowX

Episode 164

March 30, 2009

WRESTLING: (n.) ’res-ling A sport of contest in which two individuals face off in unarmed combat.

ANARCHY: (n.) an-ar-key (1) A state of lawlessness due to absence of authority. (2) A complete lack of order.

What happens when you mix the two together? NWA-Anarchy!

– Welcome to NWA Anarchy, this is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING~! Joel Dombrowski continues to fulfill color commentary duties while John Johnson continues his extra curricula activities. Last week, Don Matthews ambushed Jeff Lewis & Michael Mosley until they overwhelmed in numbers. The Hollywood Brunettes headed out to make an apparent save, but remembered what happened several weeks ago and felt no mercy for Don. In last week’s main event, Mikael Judas & Shadow Jackson defeated Jeremy Vain & Mr. Rob Adonis. This week, Jeff G. Bailey accompanied by Kimo and new NWA National Heavyweight Champion Shatter will have words of wisdom, and Talent & Money challenge the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Champions the New Wave in a heavily anticipated matchup for both teams.