AT RANDOM: Chris Cash Looks At Last Night’s TNA Impact!

– That promo by Young got pretty good at the end.  It just makes me wonder…maybe Jeff doesn’t think he can get over as a face without getting all the sympathy votes that his personal life being brought up brings in.  How many times to we have to hear promos cut on Jarrett about his wife dying and his three little girls?  The clips they showed of him at his house being a single father?  I feel for what he went through in a way that you couldn’t imagine because I’ve had similar experiences, but every program he’s involved in doesn’t have to go that route. 

– What the hell is on top of Jesse Neal’s head?  And couldn’t they have put him a little better attire?  I know he’s not supposed to be a wrestler, so to speak, but if they are going to give him a hair cut of one (if that’s what it’s supposed to be), why wouldn’t they go all the way?  It just reminds us over and over again throughout the match that he’s not a wrestler and shouldn’t be in there.

– The match was realistic, but pointless.  If Neal is going to be a permanent part of the TNA roster, then I guess they could go the Barry Horowitz route with him.  That may work, but this is going to get old real fast if they’re not careful.  That being said, I’d be an ass if I didn’t put over how much I genuinely respect Jesse Neal and everyone else apart of the Navy, Army,Air Force, and all branches of our armed forces for everything they do to defend our freedom over here.  We may have stress and shit in our lives that bring us down, but I promise, we have it easy. 

– Wow, we go from one trainee in Neal to ODB training Deaner.  I am not looking forward to this anymore than I was looking forward to anything involving ODB and Deaner.  It’s just not good television to me.

– Mick’s promo was all because of Earl Hebner being hit by Jeff Jarrett?  Stupid, but it does lead to Mick Foley being "hardcore" next week.  I guess that could be good, but what a lame reason for it.

– Good promo by Matt Morgan.  I don’t really want to see him in the Mafia, but I think it could lead to good things for him if he finally has enough at some point and goes off on them.  Not sure if that’s the route they’ll go, but this is a much better direction for Morgan than his previous programs. 

– It seems like they’re rushing the hitlist that Joe has on the Mafia.  Nash this week and then both Steiner and Booker next week?  I liked the announcement by Joe last week that he had a hit out on each member of the Mafia, but it needs to be a slower process.  It doesn’t need to drag out, but three out of the four members (Joe didn’t mention Sting, so I won’t include him either) in two weeks seems a little hurried. We’ll see where it goes. 

– By the way, Steiner and Booker are great on the mic.  Their contrast in styles mix real well together.

– Main Event time.  Be back with my thoughts once it’s over…

Well, that wasn’t long, but wasn’t necessarily bad either.  It started off real intense, but I don’t really think they made the best use of the weapons toward the end.  I would have rather seen Joe make repeated shots to Nash in sort of a rage, rather than one hockey shot, and then get the win while Nash is motionless on the mat.  A "Nation of Violence" wouldn’t stop so quickly, in my opinion, because the win shouldn’t be the first priority.  Either way, the match wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad at all. 

Chris Cash’s Actual Serious Final Thought:

Another solid show by TNA.  The last couple of months, TNA has really found a stride in direction with Impact!  This isn’t a show to convert non-TNA fans, but it’s a step in the right direction.  Joe was booked strong and Young had a good interaction with Jarrett.  The silent tension within the Mafia is entertaining.  Morgan could get a push off of them in time.  Beer Money is still looking strong right now.  Shane Douglas had a good first promo. 

There’s a lot of good things going on right now and I hope they continue this trend. 


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